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Milk cow in the window


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There were some pictures of it from all 4 corners of the globe with pictures of mount Fuji and and things like that in the back ground I think the star did a story on it at one time some one with a strange scene of humor.


Not as strange as my uncle Pete's sense of humour, he told me that cow supplied the daily milk to the whole of Sheffield. The lying barsteward, I'm glad he's dead! (not the cow) :mad:

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Not as strange as my uncle Pete's sense of humour, he told me that cow supplied the daily milk to the whole of Sheffield. The lying barsteward, I'm glad he's dead! (not the cow) :mad:


Did you not see the pipes hanging down from its udders then MO:D

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Not as strange as my uncle Pete's sense of humour, he told me that cow supplied the daily milk to the whole of Sheffield. The lying barsteward, I'm glad he's dead! (not the cow) :mad:


In a simailar vein my daughter recently asked what would happen the the ice cream when Molly dies, Molly of Our Cow Molly ice cream fame.

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If I remember rightly there were three cows which were in the curv ed window of the Express dairy on broadfield road. The dairy also had one of the first refridgerated vending machines for milk which was available 24hours a day.

Three of them are you sure, were they all the same size and breed,Just can't remember the udder ones.

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Was that black and white cow over the top of the road (from memory it appeared to be built into the bridge above), I have hazy memories of seeing it as a very young kid in the early 70s when we lived at Heeley, but not sure which road (if any!) it was on...

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