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Britain stays out of EU financial crisis deal

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I heard a few right wing nut jobs in the pub tonight saying what Smarmy Dave had done was brilliant. When challenged they didn't treally know what what they were on about, just so long as Britain was seen to be sticking two fingers up to Europe.

My instincts are, if they (and the Daily Liar) think it's right, it must be wrong!


I'd much rather look at what has & hasn't been agreed to for making my own mind up rather then working on the mistaken assumption that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


If you want some token Clegg bashing on the subject however you can have this article.



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I don`t think it is sticking 2 fingers up at Europe.I think a lot of people are fed up with the abuse of public money that goes on in the E.U. along with the E.U. trying to take away other countries sovereignty.Germany lost the war and now they are trying very hard to win the peace by trying to control europe,France will go along if they are given a bone or two.

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I heard a few right wing nut jobs in the pub tonight saying what Smarmy Dave had done was brilliant. When challenged they didn't treally know what what they were on about, just so long as Britain was seen to be sticking two fingers up to Europe.

My instincts are, if they (and the Daily Liar) think it's right, it must be wrong!


Why shouldn't we stick two fingers up at the EU?


They dislike the UK as much as alot of people dislike them.


To the EU the UK is like the weird kid at school - on the outside and ignored but invited to parties because they bring genourous gifts.

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but isn't it at our expense?. the banks are getting away with murder. by avoiding the raid on their still huge profits. with the country needing as much tax revenue as it can get, why should cameron back the bankers call to stop this?


Think of it another way.


Right now your "huge profits" are taxed and spent in the UK and we get to do stuff with them. Germany and France want your billions taxes to go to them so they can spend them instead.

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Think of it another way.


Right now your "huge profits" are taxed and spent in the UK and we get to do stuff with them. Germany and France want your billions taxes to go to them so they can spend them instead.


Correction. Some of the profits are taxed. Banks are masters at tax avoidance.

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The BBC have been in funereal mode since yesterday, which convinces me that Cameron made the right decision.


EU & BBC, both bloated, inefficient organisations full of bias, nepotism, and people who wouldn't be employed elsewhere. And, by pure coincidence, like all Left-wing organisations, both funded by other people's money.

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Correction. Some of the profits are taxed. Banks are masters at tax avoidance.


Indeed, but that will still continue with a Tobin tax as well as the decimation of UK finance industry, which from memory represents about 15% of the UK economy. Putting any politics to one side no responsible PM of any persuasion could play fast and loose with that.


What would Brussels usefully do with the money that the UK will give away to them under the Franco Germanic proposal?


To me, supporters of a Tobin tax or centralised EU variant don't see beyond a kind of retribution that they would like to impose on 'evil bankers'. The implications are beyond their intellect or mood, but that doesn't make it right or pay the bills.





And if none of that floats your boat, wouldn't you just like to see the Kinnock's taken down a few million pegs? :)

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Good decision. We'd have been burdened with most of the cost. It's no wonder the French and Germans were so keen on this.


All we want is trade. We should also be developing with other markets. We've got a whole commonwealth we should be tapping into more seriously.

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