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Britain stays out of EU financial crisis deal

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but isn't it at our expense?. the banks are getting away with murder. by avoiding the raid on their still huge profits. with the country needing as much tax revenue as it can get, why should cameron back the bankers call to stop this?


Thing is Molly what the EU wants to do is tax all financial transactions within the Eurozone, all proceeds going into the EU pot and not to the individual countries where the transactions take place.


As well over half of all financial transactions within the Eurozone pass through the City of London financial district, the UK would be affected more than other EU countries. As the tax would not apply to transactions outside the Eurozone, some institutions would almost certainly move away from the UK.


The reason why France and Germany are so in favour of this tax is that it will not affect their countries much and will therefore be popular with their voters.


You can knock the bankers all you want - I prefer them in the UK paying tax at 50% on their bonuses rather than them not in the UK at all.

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Giving in to the Euro pushers would have laid Britain wide open for funding the spate of bail outs of Euro Club members. Greece is just the first step and Italy is about to follow, but this is just the tip of the iceberg of countries that will be coming cap in hand begging for someone else to pay for the spending commitments of their shortsighted governments.

Well done Mt Cameron. It is good to see someone with a bit of backbone prepared to stand up for the British national interest.

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Agreeing to this lunacy would have meant Brussels having more power ,and meadling more in the UK`s business . That COULD NOT be allowed to happen under any circumstances.


My view is ,the further away from the farce that is the EU ,the better. In a perfect world Britain would pull out of the EU totally.


Luckily we have a prime minister that refuses to bend over and wait to be shafted by the chuckle brother and sister that is Merkal and Sarkosy.


Blair and Brown would have caved in in an instant.

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Personally I'm glad we kept the pound and I think we shouldn't help out the Euro, but you don't want to go annoying your neighbours like VAT Man is apparently doing. He will be replaced next year or he will bring doom upon us all. It's not what you say but how you say it that counts, he has absolutely no idea about International Relations.

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Personally I'm glad we kept the pound and I think we shouldn't help out the Euro, but you don't want to go annoying your neighbours like VAT Man is apparently doing. He will be replaced next year or he will bring doom upon us all. It's not what you say but how you say it that counts, he has absolutely no idea about International Relations.


The EU is a joke ,always has been and always will be . unelected suits in Brussels bleeding us dry ,MEP`S fleecing us with their expences, a currency that is no more than Monopoly money and then we have Dumb and Dumber ( merkal and Sarkosy) strolling around Europe thinking they are God.


The whole experiment of the EU is a dead duck and finished.

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IMO the financial transaction tax is the wrong place to start anyway - it implies that current patterns of destructive trading can continue, as long as a pound of flesh is extracted as tax. The point is that the current patterns of trading cannot continue if we want stability on the continent and indeed globally.


To be taken more seriously we have to make a commitment to effective regulation, as much on our own terms as possible to avoid the 17/EU imposing regulation on us. In that way we may be able to argue against the tax.


It's a critical moment for the City.


transaction taxes and regulation need to be global else the traders will simply move to somewhere where they can avoid them.


the loss in tax because of this would have unpleasant consequences but even worse would be that the destructive trading would continue.

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