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Yet another telephone scam

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Don't know if this has already been mentioned but just to be on the safe side :


A mate of mine had a phone call last night from someone with, in his words, "an Indian accent".

This guy said that my mate owed him about 5 grand as he'd taken over the debt from another company. He went on to say that if my mate settled the debt with him rather than the company it would work out cheaper. My mate gave the caller a few brief instructions on going forth and multiplying before hanging up.

I know that it seems a bit of an obvious one to spot, but some elderly people may be taken in and give out bank details.


Please warn people

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Don't know if this has already been mentioned but just to be on the safe side :


A mate of mine had a phone call last night from someone with, in his words, "an Indian accent".

This guy said that my mate owed him about 5 grand as he'd taken over the debt from another company. He went on to say that if my mate settled the debt with him rather than the company it would work out cheaper. My mate gave the caller a few brief instructions on going forth and multiplying before hanging up.

I know that it seems a bit of an obvious one to spot, but some elderly people may be taken in and give out bank details.


Please warn people


You are right, a lot of elderly people (and if I may add a lot of people who have difficulty hearing what's been said over the telephone due to being hearing impaired) could quite easily fall for this "Get rich quick" telephone scam.


I think it has been very good of you (Pitsmoorlad) to bring this scam to people's attention. Well done.

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I had one a few weeks ago,I interrupted him to tell him I wasn't interested and put the phone down.It rang again straightaway and he carried on talking as if he hadn't been interrupted.I said again I wasn't interested and put the phone down again.It rang a third time.This time he told me off for my bad manners in interrupting him,said I should listen to him and then if I wasn't interested he gave me permission to ring off!

Needless to say,after what I said then,he didn't ring back!

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I pretend to be interested and string them along.


Q....What is your name

A ......Eliott Ness

Q.......What is your address

A.........11 , Downing Street

Q.........What is your occupation

A......I am a brain surgeon and astranaut...

Q.......What is your income.....

A......Around £700 million per month

Q....What is your phone number.....

A.....999.....but only phone if it is an emergency.


This goes on until they get the message and hang up.....:hihi:

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  • 1 month later...
If anyone gets a call about this post who the company is. I'm on other forums so I can spread the word and warn people.


do you mean if anyone "knows what the company is"?


it's not actually a company it's a fake debt collector's scam, they call people at random and ask for the money to be wired VIA western union, some of them say they're going to arrest you and you better call your lawyer, a lot of people seem to be falling for it.


they even call from toll free numbers such as this one


what's funny is when a Prakash Alladin Abu calls and says his name is Michael Smith

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