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Twiggy - comments on how kids today have it tough

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Twiggy (the retired fashion model) is in the news today

she said that "the state of the world is so scary at the moment and I think,



when I was starting out, we had a much easier time than youngsters now."

She thinks that it is "wrong in every way" that many young students will not be able to attend university, with the tuition fees



I don't quite understand her point, when she was a teen (in the 60's) the proportion of people able to go to university was far lower than it is today, 80 to 90 percent lower I think!



She's entitled to an opinion of course, but I don't see why the main stream media is bothering to report it since she doesn't appear to understand the basic facts behind the subject...

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Twiggy (the retired fashion model) is in the news today




I don't quite understand her point, when she was a teen (in the 60's) the proportion of people able to go to university was far lower than it is today, 80 to 90 percent lower I think!



She's entitled to an opinion of course, but I don't see why the main stream media is bothering to report it since she doesn't appear to understand the basic facts behind the subject...


Also the tuition fees aren't paid upfront by the student..

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Twiggy (the retired fashion model) is in the news today




I don't quite understand her point, when she was a teen (in the 60's) the proportion of people able to go to university was far lower than it is today, 80 to 90 percent lower I think!



She's entitled to an opinion of course, but I don't see why the main stream media is bothering to report it since she doesn't appear to understand the basic facts behind the subject...


And you do like? Beside facts can mean whatever people want them to mean, as you've been told before.

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In her day you got there on merit - that went by the board years ago - they're now effectively selling degrees


They don't sell you the degree, they sell you the chance to get the degree.


But that's not the point. She's saying how it's so bad that not everyone can go to uni as if when she went the majority could, but that's simply not true, in the 60's the vast majority of working class children had no chance of going to university no matter how smart they were.

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And you do like? Beside facts can mean whatever people want them to mean, as you've been told before.


Yes, I do. Or at least I understand that the rose tinted spectacles she's viewing the 60's through appear to have convinced her that more people went to university then!

Facts are objective, they simply are, as you've been told before. We draw meaning from them, but she doesn't appear to even know what they are and is drawing meaning from her imagination instead.

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They don't sell you the degree, they sell you the chance to get the degree.
Wrong. Once you're in, it's virtually impossible to get a fail, as they'll have to wave goodbye to your tuition fees for the following year. There have been some very public incidents over old-school tutors sticking to their principles and refusing to pass dud students, only to be sacked by the management of the university - Leeds was one such establishment. Industrial tribunal upheld the unfair dismissal complaint, but it didn't get them their job back
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