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Violent EDL at it again.

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You will have to help me out here, what in my post implies I am defending their actions. :huh:


It's very much in the same vein as al qaeda appologists who while not explicitly condoning terrorist acts seek to explain them by "israel, iraq, occupation, oppression of the ummah, war on islam blah blah, so can you be surprised things like this happen?"


There is no excuse for terrorism and these scumbags as every bit as bad as al qaeda terrorists trying to blow people up. A stupid DPP/judicial decision not to attribute racial motivation to a clearly racist attack by some somali Muslims has got nothing to do with it.

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Where I was bought up in Firvale there are 2 churches, St cuthberts and forgot the name of the other one and no one has tried to burn these down in the 38yrs I have been around.

If after reading this storey some nutjob decided to burn them or any other churches in England down would you're reply still be "I'm not surprised" or would it be outrage against the horrible muslims?


I wouldn't be shocked if a nutter burnt a church down and I would be less shocked if the nutter was Muslim.

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Yes you are. You're saying it's natural for someone to firebomb a mosque because of a sentencing that hadn't yet taken place (the attack in Leicester). There was an amnesty for some Irish terrorists on both sides of the divide after the Easter Agreement. Do you think Christian churches should be firebombed as a consequence?


Also, this nutter was in the BNP as well as the EDL.


I don't think any church or building should be fire bombed but it doesn't surprise me when they are. It never surprised me when some religious nut job does bombs something or kills someone.

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I wouldn't be shocked if a nutter burnt a church down and I would be less shocked if the nutter was Muslim.


How can you be less shocked than not shocked? Personally I'd be shocked if anyone burnt a church down. I think all religions are rubbish but the followers of religion have the right to follow a religion and in the vast majority of cases are peaceful people. That applies to all religions, by the way.

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The words "Is there any wonder..." mean you think it's a natural consequence. And the firebombing was BEFORE the sentence so there couldn't be a link anyway.


I didn't read the link but I have now and his excuse was the burning of poppies, it still doesn't surprise or shock me that some nutter would retaliate because some other nutter burnt poppies.

Tit for tat attacks have been going on since humans could walk and since the first religion started people have killed each other over it.

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And these are the kind of racist animals we have in the army ?




The army is full of racists, misogynists and psychos. Not exclusively, of course, but by the very nature of the beast, it does attract such types. Mass rape and racist attacks are common during times of conflict.

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It's very much in the same vein as al qaeda appologists who while not explicitly condoning terrorist acts seek to explain them by "israel, iraq, occupation, oppression of the ummah, war on islam blah blah, so can you be surprised things like this happen?"


There is no excuse for terrorism and these scumbags as every bit as bad as al qaeda terrorists trying to blow people up. A stupid DPP/judicial decision not to attribute racial motivation to a clearly racist attack by some somali Muslims has got nothing to do with it.


I couldn't resist using the daily mail link. :D






Surely no one believes the EDL's rubbish about being non racist any more.

This violent party should be on the list of banned terrorist groups.

:oHo my god I’m shocked someone would do something so terrible and against a religious building as well, what is this country coming to, it’s a disgrace. :o:o:o

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