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Are you proud of Cameron for keeping us out of the new Euro club?

Proud of Cameron  

137 members have voted

  1. 1. Proud of Cameron

    • Yes
    • No

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I love the photo in today's Metro free paper both VAT Man and Speer both trying to hide their mugs in the commons. Quite right too, they should be ashamed.
Sour grapes yet again................just because some of you lot have been rumbled and will shortly be on your bike!

Of course your hero the lad Milliboy, would still keep borrowing to keep you drinking tea!

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I love the photo in today's Metro free paper both VAT Man and Speer both trying to hide their mugs in the commons..


Who are "Vat Man and Speer"? Is that your childish name for Cameron and Clegg?


I thought we grew out of that at primary school. Unless you're a Mirror journalist.

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Who are "Vat Man and Speer"? Is that your childish name for Cameron and Clegg?


I thought we grew out of that at primary school. Unless you're a Mirror journalist.


I don't know which "we" you are referring to but it does get a bit boring - as do the Liebour, Bliar and other tedious nicknames for Brown et al


Sadly some posters seem to like to do it


P.S if I could find a yawn smiley it would be sitting here

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I didn't vote.


I'm neither "proud" of Cameron nor "ashamed" of him.


These are not emotions I feel about any politician.


I feel proud of my wife and children.


I feel ashamed of myself (rarely) but never others.


But few other people or situations would stir such deep emotions.


Is this the right decision? - yes, definitely in my view. It's the right decision for the long term good of this country.


Will it have negative repurcussions and do us some harm?


Yes - definitely, of course it will. But it will be less negative and harmful than the other option.

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