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Are you proud of Cameron for keeping us out of the new Euro club?

Proud of Cameron  

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  1. 1. Proud of Cameron

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I was listening to all the different people from europe moaning about Britain using its veto and being on the side line. I started by kind of agreeing with them but by the time the 3rd or 4rd person spoke I started to think there is a reason why they are complaining to loudly.


The more I listend the more I was convinces europe needs us more than we need them and they are unhappy we have not jumped into bed with them and saved their failing currency.


Absolutely right WeX. They do need us. And despite reports to the contrary we won't be walking away.


The challenge now is to go back and get what we want on our terms and as much as they want to portray us as being on the outside and losing out some of the 26 are going to lose their AAA ratings. They've got enormous problems which they are projecting onto us to try and focus away from their own dire situation - Sarkozy the worst of them.

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Lol, yeah he did it for you, the borderline racist anti-immigration euro-skeptic crowd.


Had nothing at all to do with protecting his banking buddies who provide a large chunk of his party's funding.


Define a border line racist please, what have I said that allows you to portray me as such?

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Did anybody ever get to vote for the Head of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barosso?


Did anybody ever vote for the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy?


How about our very own Baroness Ashton, EU Foreign Affairs Minister, has she ever won any election in her life?


When was the last time the EU Commission had their accounts independantly verified by external auditors?


What happened to Greek Prime Minister Papandreou, when he wanted to get the support of the Greek people, and give them a democratic vote?


Anybody that thinks Cameron should have moved towards closer EU integration and agreed to having non-elected EU beurocrats inspecting our budgets (which will inevitably lead to the EU dictating budgets and what monies can be spent on what) backed up by European Court of Justice, really does need their head testing. :loopy:


Despite the UK contributing significantly towards EU bailout funds this year, the UK now faces vindictive calls to have our rebate withdrawn or even booted out of the EU from some quarters of our fellow Europeans. I wonder if they'll be wanting to give us our bailout money back then? I don't remember such vindictiveness directed at the French, Dutch or Irish when they rejected EU treaties?

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