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Are you proud of Cameron for keeping us out of the new Euro club?

Proud of Cameron  

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  1. 1. Proud of Cameron

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Were you posting about Ed Milliband, per chance? The very one who slated Cameron last week, but conceded this morning on TV (BBC News) that Cameron did the right thing? Like Clegg will do today?


I'm as Europhile as they come, French and only here in the UK/Sheffield because EU mechanisms facilitated that to such an extent, but make no mistake - until we have a clear indication of what was actually on the table during that meeting, which Cameron eventually turned down, for all I know and care Cameron did absolutely the right thing for UK plc, and all aboard that ship.

I think that I agree with that very much. But then I generally always look at and think about things long-term.


And I can also see a short-term benefit as well, which I'm surprised political/economical commentators haven't made more noise about: when the transaction tax will get rolled out in the 17 EZ countries as a result of their go-ahead, expectedly very soon, the UK financial sector will see an immediate surge (then a sustained level-) of capital repatriation/transit, wiping out Paris and Frankfurt's sustained attempts to eat away at the City's market share. That means more tax to the UK coffers, and expectedly little to no gain achieved by this Tobin tax.


IMHO, that's one of the main reasons why Sarkozy and Merkel were so hacked off at Cameron. They cut their nose to spite their face, and they know it, and they know that Cameron knows it too :D But rather than see it as a 'betrayal' (of the EU) or some such other nonsense, I simply see it as playing a national competitive advantage at the right time, in the right circumstances. That it doubles as foiling Germany's (very-) long-term plan to own and run the EU is just the cherry on the cake ;)


What's that supposed to mean? I don't have to post anything by Millitant of Clegg to put VAT Man in a bad light. VAT Man is more than capable of doing that off his own back as people are finding out. Clegg will have to do what he is told by his overlord. Even Ken Clarke said VAT Man was wrong so don't try and put that one of me. Besides, I know what you're trying to do and I'm lightyears ahead of you, so don't even try.

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I don't have to post anything by Millitant to put VAT Man in a bad light. VAT Man is more than capable of doing that off his own back as people are finding out.
Was there a substantive reply buried in there that I missed? :huh:

Besides, I know what you're trying to do and I'm lightyears ahead of you, so don't even try.
I'm not trying to do anything else than to show a lack of political relevance in your post.


Political bias has no place in something as serious as this country's economical recovery, which an assent to Sarkozy and Merkel's demands would have jeopardised very seriously indeed.


After that, feel free to spin it any which way you want to (try to) score redundant political 'points' :thumbsup:


EDIT (to follow yours)

What's that supposed to mean?
What is says on the tin: knee-jerk reaction from the opposition and europhiles (waa waa bad Cameron betrayed the UK), promptly followed -after a quick bit of thinking (for them by their advisors who actually understand things)- by a reversal of position (actually, there was nothing else he could do). Quite inelegantly, as it happens.

Even Ken Clarke said VAT Man was wrong so don't try and put that one of me.
Ken Clarke? You are quoting KEN CLARKE? THE Ken Clarke?!? Even Boris Johnson has more political acumen and relevance than him! :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
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The new EU rules actually make no difference, Spain, Ireland and Italy would still fall foul under the same conditions.


Nothing has really changed, just a show of face. But, all the members will now get their budgets checked again because the market is wary of them.


:ref: GMT with George today...

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