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Would a thankyou be too much??

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Is a thankyou so much to ask for or expect???


That's the problem you see. The unemployed see it as their right to sponge off the taxpayer.


ALL benefits should be scrapped. If you don't want to work, then please leave the country.


And before all the lefties start jumping up and down, yes there are jobs out there ... get on your bikes and look for them!

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Then your a very lucky person.

Maybe you should thank the unemployed for being workshy thus allowing you to hold down a job that clearly no one else wants.

Or is there another reason you need to do all that overtime?


To support my very soon expanding family, and make sure they are provided for, by me.

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So whos a sponge?

Be a little more specific please.


IMO the sponges are as follows:


People who have no intention of working,

People who cant be arsed to work,

People who use certain disabilities (real or not) as an excuse not to work,

People who churn out kids as a way not to work.


IMO genuine cases for benefits are:


People who have fallen on hard times (job loss, redundancy etc), and are actually looking for work,

People who have a real illness/disability,

People who have retired and worked for the most of their working life.

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IMO the sponges are as follows:


People who have no intention of working,

People who cant be arsed to work,

People who use certain disabilities (real or not) as an excuse not to work,

People who churn out kids as a way not to work.


IMO genuine cases for benefits are:


People who have fallen on hard times (job loss, redundancy etc), and are actually looking for work,

People who have a real illness/disability,

People who have retired and worked for the most of their working life.


I take it from your arrogant posts that you know exactly who those people are on here and so have no problem naming names so the rest of us unemployed sponges dont feel like your picking on us.

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What about the alcoholic who does a bit of thieving and pus more into the state via alcohol duty, than he takes out.


Surely you should thank him?


Sorry almost missed your post, for some reason I read it as "whinge, moan, council house, whinge, moan, not enough housing, whinge, moan".


I suppose your question depends upon who buys the stolen goods, if its other people on benefits then he is really just putting the same money back into the system.

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