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Who Remembers Ma Peggin A Rug??

old tup

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I believe this was 'hooking a rug' The tool was a metal hook with a closing lever. The hook was pushed through squares in the base fabric. The short pieces of wool were hooked, and looped by pulling the tool back through. Way back when, I was in Southey Green juniors, and when we were leaving for the senior or grammar schools, as a goodbye, thank you gift, we as a class made a rug this way for our english teacher, Miss Smith.




I cerainly remember those rugs. When I was in the RN we were able to buy making rugs kit. The materials, backing & tool were supplied in the kit but the technique of manufacture was the same.
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Yes we would peg rugs.

Any old clothes beyond wearing were cut into strips and used. We too used a pointed peg-- we were either to poor for the real thing or because during the war we had to make do and mend.

My fingers had blisters with rhe sacking and my feet had chillblains through wearing wellies. We sat in front of the yorkshire range with feet on the rug as the rest of the floor covering was cold linolium.

Our rugs were just multi coloured but some ladies made their rugs a work of art with beautiful patterns.

I thought that the story of our lives were pegged into the rugs



Yes hazel it did give you blisters on your thumb and first finger mainly from using the scissors to cut up the old clothes to make the little strips to peg the rug with, we also used a peg broken in half to peg the rug and one thing is for sure [you couldn't wear the rugs out,they lasted for years] I still had one when i got married that i made as a child for my mum, i really used to enjoy

making them and got a real pleasure when it was finished, and as you say hazel it was real comfort to your feet-instead of the ice cold Lino first thing in the morning when you got out of bed-:rant::hihi:

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Yup remember it well, on a cold winters night was told if i worked a little faster the rug would finished to put on the floor by the bed, seem to recall it ended up on the bed to help keep me warm, circa- 1955/56 my children never believe these tales, i wonder why?

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Back in the days after the war when I was an innocent little Tup money was tight and there was not much spare for luxuries.Not like nowadays our parents couldn,t imagine the things we take for granted even though we are in a recession at the present time.Everybody had to make do and mend,one thing I remember was my mother and a lot of others at the time pegging rugs.They used as a base sacking cloth through which they would pull assorted strips of old cloth in bright colours.I remember the tool used it was pointed to push through then you pressed a lever and it opened on the tip to grip the strip of cloth which was pulled back and secured.Many rugs were made like this costing next to nothing a fond memory of my childhood many moons ago,anybody remember things like this when you were young??.:D:)


The rugs were called 'redicut' apparently you can still buy them

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Ah ... I can remember my Mum and Dad telling me that when they were engaged and saving up to get married they couldn't afford to go out so they used to sit in at night peggin a rug together. Don't think it was a euphemism either 'cos my Grandma was playing gooseberry !!

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