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Now we know who's to blame for the riots.

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The rioter to recieve the longest sentence so far is a 35yr old which puts him in the centre of my kids age group


Quite so, and am sure, and am confident of the fact that no decent kid was out on those nights.

In fact one silly girl, from around here, who never left her bedroom was arressted and dragged out of her house, because of a silly post she made on a website. Of good, honest, hardworking decent parents.


But she was daft enough to think it got her kudos then so it went.

She went down for it, but how many who really deserve punishment get away with it day to day?

Our system really needs a look at from the top to the bottom.

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Politicians will blame anyone but themselves for the mess they make. Always have, always will.


But they do have a point in that some kids lack a realistic view of their future, and thanks, amongst other things, to popular culture have no time for hard work in getting them to the top.


Some kids do sadly seem rather shallow with a terrible sense of entitlement, and need to come down to earth and realise that they are not the centre of the universe.


However, that said, the future doesn't look too rosy no matter what they do these days, and make no mistake, we are depending on them to take us forward into a brave new world.


We need our young people, and they need our help.

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Politicians will blame anyone but themselves for the mess they make. Always have, always will.


But they do have a point in that some kids lack a realistic view of their future, and thanks, amongst other things, to popular culture have no time for hard work in getting them to the top.


Some kids do sadly seem rather shallow with a terrible sense of entitlement, and need to come down to earth and realise that they are not the centre of the universe.


However, that said, the future doesn't look too rosy no matter what they do these days, and make no mistake, we are depending on them to take us forward into a brave new world.


We need our young people, and they need our help.


My Bold = We need our young people in employment not sat on their backsides, making the elderly work more years is holding onto jobs longer that younger people should be taking over.

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Not linked to the riots but there was a report on Radio 4 this week about officials having to persuade some young people of the need to work because they just wanted to be pop stars or footballers and felt ordinary work beneath them. Some of the rioting was blatantly copycat, just to nick stuff. Some of it was anti-police as a reaction to what they felt to be police harassment. It was certainly different to the riots of 30 years ago which were more anti-police than the get yourself some free trainers and bling riots of this year. The idiots who called for riots on their Facebook pages and got banged up for a few years showed just how divorced from reality some young people have become.

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But they can...


Unfortunately you're right. But as you well know, it's only a teeny, tiny few. However, the amount of coverage these lucky few get is out of all proportion to the actual numbers involved and gives kids the wrong impression.


If these are the only role models they have of course they are going to want to follow in their footsteps. It's about time they had a much wider view of the world. A lot more work needs to be put into career guidance from a much earlier age, and much more work experience.


Just for starters I like the American idea of inviting parents in to talk about their jobs, and the 'take your son / daughter to work' days. But I'm sure there are many much better ideas as well.


Parents have a huge part to play as well. They need to stop buying into the culture on behalf of their children. If their daughter wants a designer handbag then they jolly well have to pay for it themselves. Once they realise how many paper rounds they need to do to buy it they might have a better appreciation of money and what it takes to earn it.

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Once they realise how many paper rounds they need to do to buy it they might have a better appreciation of money and what it takes to earn it.


I knew a parent a while back who did that with his 8 year old daughter. She wanted a Nintendo DS, so he told her to take ornaments and things from peoples gardens and houses when she visited, and when she had enough they'd go to a car boot sale.


Yes, that's true, and i've met many more just like it. I've even seen some steal from their own Grandma. Silly thing is they would always blame the police and society, say that the insurance companies would pay for it, any old excuse.


Most of the reasons why people get away with things nowadays are ridiculous, lies, misguided righteousness and the like.


Stop excusing crime and make punishment a reality.

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I think parenting skills are at an all time low.


They have no guidance to follow, and are as sensitive to peer pressure as their kids.


It's all down to instilling the right values again. They equate loving with giving stuff, rather than teaching their kids right from wrong and how to survive in a difficult world.


Before some very good parents jump down my throat, I know they're out there too

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