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Now we know who's to blame for the riots.

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I knew a parent a while back who did that with his 8 year old daughter. She wanted a Nintendo DS, so he told her to take ornaments and things from peoples gardens and houses when she visited, and when she had enough they'd go to a car boot sale.


Yes, that's true, and i've met many more just like it. I've even seen some steal from their own Grandma. Silly thing is they would always blame the police and society, say that the insurance companies would pay for it, any old excuse.


Most of the reasons why people get away with things nowadays are ridiculous, lies, misguided righteousness and the like.


Stop excusing crime and make punishment a reality.

You're spot on 100%.

Amazing though isn't it that society is always to blame, who is society, am I outside society and not part of it because my own 4 kids grew up without stealing and rioting, went on to University, got degrees are are settled in good jobs?

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There is a massively growing culture of "why work" when we can all be celebrities.



Duncan Smith may have a point. Millions of talentless wannabes think they can become rich and successful just by Karaoke-ing on a TV talent show or dancing around like a freak instead of going to school, studying hard, getting qualifications and getting a proper job.


Would you be talking about the Ian Duncan Smith that went on Des And Mel to promote his book, spinning a wheel for the show’s "Spin A Winner", where viewer's phoned in to win cash?



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Lately I've found myself talking to a number of young people and their Great Hope was 'I'm going to college to get an NVQ in Beauty/Catering/whatever, and then I'm going to open my own Beautician/Restaurant/whatever.'


Now ambition is a wonderful thing, but shouldn't parents or teachers be telling them to get real and stop dreaming?

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Duncan Smith may have a point. Millions of talentless wannabes think they can become rich and successful just by Karaoke-ing on a TV talent show or dancing around like a freak instead of going to school, studying hard, getting qualifications and getting a proper job.




Yep, I agree + what he says about absent fathers and gang culture.

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One thing 's for certain :-we cannot blame those young folk----- who were smashing things up, nicking things and setting cars on fire----for starting the riots.Since birth, these poor little mites have been seeing rich bankers driving their Rollers straight into crowds of widows and orphans, begging for bread or a bowl of gruel.

These same youngsters have also been victims of a fascist police force who have been beating them up twice daily as they nip into Morrison 's for the baby 's milk.

No wonder they took a few trinkets when they saw they at last had a chance to own something worthwhile !

These youngsters need our love and understanding. If you have any spare rooms, please let the Social Services know......and YOU too could be helping a desperate youngster.

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