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How are We Fallen

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You not getting Shakespeare isn't the issue. You're assuming others are false because they do.



Some people are, I've met them.... I've said a few times its probably my loss, I sometimes wonder if you read posts and then re-arrange the words into something else..:hihi:

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I have a C & G as well...sorry for always having to trump you....:hihi:


My degree was gained many years ago when they were actually worth something...:D


You may trump me anytime if thats what you want.I think proclaiming one,s acamedic achievement is vulgar and quite pointless as it cannot be verified.Most people reading will gauge peoples'intelligence by the qquality of their comments.and will certainly downgrade those who are repetitive and tedious.

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You may trump me anytime if thats what you want.I think proclaiming one,s acamedic achievement is vulgar and quite pointless as it cannot be verified.Most people reading will gauge peoples'intelligence by the qquality of their comments.and will certainly downgrade those who are repetitive and tedious.


And the way they construct a sentence...:hihi:

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Yes, precisely.

Capitalism is the background player, but the rule is through various great houses, based on religious beliefs.

The concept is too great to be discussed on a chat forum.

It needs a forum in itself.



Quite the mystic John Lennon stuff and just say what you mean. You aint got the brains or the worldy wisdom to be the all wise Guru atop a Himalayan mountain.


Your inspirations come out of a bottle of supermarket barley wine

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I've tried to watch it, but it just doesn't do it for me I always end up thinking its a load of old twaddle...I said its my loss....I don't like ballet either, that is my loss....Its what you like.


I don't think I've a chip on my shoulder, not about this anyway! There are some who pretend to like it though because it gives them a bit of intellectual credit...I've met those...


I much prefer Musical Theatre, a good musical....:D


don't wish to wind you up Frank, just couldn't resist sending you this.




not twaddle though.......poetry! :cool:

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