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Gingrich defends assertion that Palestinians are an ‘invented’ people

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It's good to have someone with balls. I just hope he doesn't end up with a Fatwa on him.


Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich on Saturday defended his statement that the Palestinians are an "invented" people, brushing aside criticism that he had unnecessarily made the Mideast peace process more difficult.


"Is what I said factually true? Yes," Gingrich said during a candidate debate in which he drew applause for asserting that it was time someone spoke the truth about the nature of Israel's struggle with the Palestinians.

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich -


"Somebody ought to have the courage to tell the truth. These people are terrorists," he said. "It's fundamentally time for somebody to have the guts to stand up and say, 'Enough lying about the Middle East."'


Superb stuff.


It was mostly through the late 60's & 1970's that this lie of a 'palestinian people' started to gain momentum because at the time, the west was almost totally dependent on Arab Oil and the Arabs were using sanctions and the threat of sanctions to ram through resolutions at the UN that recognised the palestinians etc.


Additionally, the threat of violence to individual historians who spoke out, made the subject almost taboo.


As the west slowly distances itself from Arab Oil, we'll start to see the truth come out.


They really have no claim on Israel whatsoever and even less of a claim on Jerusalem.

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Newt doesn't always get his facts right, though. He called the shoebomber Richard Reid an American citizen and his Wikepedia entry contains the following;


"Eighty-four ethics charges were filed against Speaker Gingrich during his term, including claiming tax-exempt status for a college course run for political purposes. Following an investigation by the House Ethics Committee Gingrich was sanctioned US$300,000 on a 395-28 House vote. Gingrich acknowledged in January 1997 that "In my name and over my signature, inaccurate, incomplete and unreliable statements were given to the committee"".


He resigned in 1998 after taking the flak for the worst election results by an opposition party for decades.


There must be better sources to quote.

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Not a chance.

He may be brave but hes also barking if he thinks anything he says will make an ounce of difference.


I'm not sure. As the west slowly starts to divest from middle east Oil, the palestinian's clout will be greatly reduced. The only reason we have the revisionist resolutions against Israel is the blackmail at the UN by the Oil lobby during the height of the power of Arab oil.


Gingrich may just be the start of something. Historians might feel less threatened now to come out and tell the truth.

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Or Newt might just be trying to get the Jewish lobby vote for the 2012 Presidential elections.


And yet the Arab lobby is the only one proven to have been powerful enough to ram through resolutions against Israel.


The 'Jewish lobby' is a work of fiction in the minds of Muslim extremists and the usual band of racists peddling 1930's propaganda.

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