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Are addictions ever positive?


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Hmmmm, I disagree.


ad·dic·tion (-dkshn)



a. Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance: a drug used in the treatment of heroin addiction.

b. An instance of this: a person with multiple chemical addictions.


a. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or or involved in something.

b. An instance of this: had an addiction for fast cars.



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Technically it is one, but only a fool would bother to talk about it as such, or claim that we are "addicted to oxygen."


Anything beyond that is, of necessity, a negative thing if someone is addicted to it. It may not be harmful to have "xyz" be a major and predominant part of your life, but it is certainly harmful to be in a position where you have no choice in the matter.


Yes to all of the above aside from the choice part. The choice is there whether to start or not. Having started and become addicted we still have choice but possibly lack the commitment, help and/or willpower needed to break free.

I suppose another term for addiction might be regime in which case their are long term positives to some i.e. exercise.

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But is it necessarily negative if something is the predominant feature of your life.http://www.thefreedictionary.com/addiction



We are all addicted to food, in moderation there is no issue whatsoever.



Not everything addictive is detrimental.


I agree.




A person loses interest in life (for whatever reason), becomes depressed and has virtually given up. Then he finds something that makes him want to get up in a morning. He begins to eat , sleep & breath this new found interest that quickly becomes an addiction. He cannot wait for the next time he engages in it. His life is transformed. He is addicted to this “something” .


Compared to his quality of life previously, he is a “new person“. Surely this must be a positive addiction in this context?

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Yes to all of the above aside from the choice part. The choice is there whether to start or not. Having started and become addicted we still have choice but possibly lack the commitment, help and/or willpower needed to break free.

I suppose another term for addiction might be regime in which case their are long term positives to some i.e. exercise.


It's important to remember that you cannot break free from an addiction.


Addictions are forever, the only thing you can do is stop the habit, the addiction stays with you forever once started.


Ex addicts when being honest say they are forever craving and only will power stops them being drawn back to the fix.

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Coffee, containing the addictive substance caffeine.


If I have a mug of "real" coffee one day, I need one within 24 to 36 hours or else I will get a headache. Therefore it's formed a physical addiction.


However, I don't (need to) drink it virtually constantly all day long, just the once.

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