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We should just go bankrupt and start again!

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Ah yes, the principle of dragging clever and successful people down to the level of your own miserable existence.


Which one benefits the gene pool, them or you?


As opposed to ripping off the poor you mean? What are you talking about anyway, are you on drugs?

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Maybe society moving forward needs to rely less on credit.

its mad when the lenders are lending the lendors, who lend the lendors who lend to the general public. Its all hyperfectical money that no one creditor actually has possession of or has even collected in. It's obvious there is a floor in the idea of accessive credit.

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Didn't Iceland (the country not the shop) go bankrupt a couple of years ago?


What is happening there now, I wonder.


the volcano's are erupting.......


but they seem to be climbing out of their problems, however the scale of europe's debts are far far larger than iceland's were.

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England should just go bankrupt and have their debts written off, then start again.:cool:

People who work would still get paid anyhow. It would only be rich people who suffer which sounds good to me.


Why don't we just take all the money off the top 1% that would pay off everything and leave us with a surplus? We won't because we as a people are stupid sheep.

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To be totally honest, I have little idea what would happen if the UK went bust. Part of my motivation in starting this thread was to find out just what would happen in such an eventuality.

I would assume that everyone would lose their savings, but is this not why many people have invested in gold? Are they not guarding against such an eventuality?

I wonder if anyone really knows the full implications.


Gold is an asset..when you go bankrupt you lose all your assets...the gold would go..

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Ah yes, the principle of dragging clever and successful people down to the level of your own miserable existence.

I'm sort of successful and vaguely clever (well, at least I think so, opinion elsewhere may be divided :hihi:) but I agree with the OP. It's the only way out.


If, according to this op ed piece on the BBC website


Greece should default and abandon the Euro


Then surely the UK, which is more in debt than Greece


UK budget deficit 'to surpass Greece's as worst in EU'


Guess Which Country Has Debt Of Nearly 1000% Of GDP...


Compared to Greece's at a mere 182.2%.


should also default?


Our only realistic option is to default and to do it first, before the other indebted nations get in on the act.


Austerity (if it can indeed so be called) won't work.


Borrowing and spending our way to false "prosperity" won't work.


Hey, I made it through a whole post on debt without mentioning Gordon "spend, spend, spend" Brown.


(Oh damn!)

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