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Should the police be able to outsource

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If the police, say, were contracted out to be run by a private company - how would the performance of the private company be assessed?


I'm struggling to think of any way it can be done, which isn't either putting the officers into a conflict of interest, or is so broad and obscure that it really can't be assessed at all.

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bearing in mind the only reason outsourcing is done is to cut costs, and all outsourcing companies have to make a profit, do you envisage a better fire/police/nhs respons eafter doing so? costs would be cut by cutting pay or jobs, simple as that. demotivated people on less pay dont out in as much effort, would you?


look what happened with outsourced cleaning in the NHS, undercover filming showing the total lack of standards and practises less than the agreed contract.

now imagine that with the fire brigade turning up "a bit late", or "running out of hosepipe".

capita, serco and the like have to make profit to satisfy shareholders, i cant think of one privatised service thats got better or cheaper since being sold off.

BT anyone?

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bearing in mind the only reason outsourcing is done is to cut costs, and all outsourcing companies have to make a profit, do you envisage a better fire/police/nhs respons eafter doing so?


Almost always, the amount lost to private-sector profit is far smaller than the amount lost in waste if the public sector is running something.


I don't see it working for the emergency services though - for reasons I gave earlier.

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can you think of any other ways this council can save some money ?


That's not up to the man in the street, which is why some people vote for people to govern them. The people who make decisions at government level should live or die by them. I hate all this, "What should we do?" rubbish, because you'll who will be to blame when it all goes wrong - "Well, you asked for it, that's what you wanted," etc.

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should the police/fire service/ambulances be able to outsource themselves to save council taxpayers money ?

Yes, the police should be outsourced to America, bring in the Keystone Kops.


Look at their films. They're enthusiastic about the job, eagerly rush out to a call and are largely ineffectual.


On two of those points they easily beat the current lot!

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