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Public to vote on council tax rises

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Chem1st will be along in a second to tell you that there is far too little social housing Sheffield.


I've come along to say the man is a idiot. If he knew how much the rent's gone up, he would know that council house rents have INCREASED ABOVE RPI INFLATION for over a DECADE.


And they shall increase by about 7% next year, as they have done this year.


And that's why the housing benefit bill is massive, and why properties at the bottom end of the market haven't began to fall yet. Thus bringing down the rest which are propped up by HB at the bottom.

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It would be far better to freeze council tax but raise council house rents above inflation for a few years. Cities like Sheffield struggle to balance their books because of the inordinate amount of social housng they have - those tenants have had rent subsidised by property owners' rates and council tax for too long and need to pay their way more.


Rents have already risen every year above RPI inflation by 0.5% (+£2 per year in some cases) for a decade.


The public are being robbed by the rentier capitalists and landowner scum (those that own land they neither live upon or work upon). Half of the UK economy is mortgage lending, the other half is rentier capitalism by the idle parasites, and what remains is the mugs doing real work.

Fortunately we have a bit of government deficit to allow a real economy to exist.


In fact, taking it a step further, wouldn't an individual poll tax be a great way to fairly solve local taxation??


An indivual tax and property value tax would be the best solution to the problem.


Council tax is a tax for having a roof over your household's head. It bears little relationship to family size/house value though.


What they need to do is levy a % of the house/building value as a tax, and a per person tax. These should not be covered by benefit, although public buildings (public swimming pools, bus station's libraries etc. should be exempt, whilst private buildings and commercial buildings pay, although perhaps different rates). Likewise, the per person tax should be payable in either £sterling or HOURS.

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