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Public to vote on council tax rises

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You don't need anything for there to be a market rate. You just go to any property rental site and look at how much properties are being rented for, and that's the market rate.


I could set up a property rental site and advertise rent at £1.


I could advertise it at £10000000000000.


Neither would be the market rate, the market rate is the amount being spent in the true market.


The advertisements would be advisements only. Somebody can offer a property for sale at £200k. Or rent at £500/month

When they go bankrupt/get repossessed and it goes to market (auction) and fetches £25000, then £25000 is the market rate.

Or eventually let it at £250/month. That is the market rate.

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Chem1st will be along in a second to tell you that there is far too little social housing Sheffield.


And me. ;)


Roughly 42000 council houses in a population of over half a million isn't a lot given the increase in single person households, the fact that us oldies are living longer, and there are increasing numbers of families with parents occupying different homes. However, rent increases for council housing are set by government and councils don't really have much say. From the beginning of the year: http://www.thestar.co.uk/news/council_rent_rise_cap_plea_1_2993823


The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) is separate from the council's general fund, so it should have no bearing on the levels of council tax.

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Please note that I said, "how much properties are being rented for" ... not "how much complete lunatics are trying to get for them."


Those websites only advertise figures for properties which aren't being rented :hihi:


Ergo, there is no market.

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. .. . Council tax is a tax for having a roof over your household's head. It bears little relationship to family size/house value though. . . ..
You've said this before. Are you are aware of the council tax bands, andn that they are based on property value?
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. . . . . .. The rents HAVE been rising for a decade. Meanwhile, the council frittered money away. . . . .
I'd agree that the council (this one especially) has frittered money, and that rent has risen - but not by enough.


Council rents are significantly subsidised and way lower than private sector equivalents. People in council property on normal incomes should pay market representative rent, not have it subsidised by private property owners whose council tax gets them little more than a bin emtied, and that not often enough.


The reason we have high council tax levels in cities like Sheffield, compared to other areas, is the swathes of council estates that suck resources and have to be paid for by the ever-taxed property owners.


I say don't build more council housing, knock it down and make them live in great sprawling hostel complexes in little 10x10 bedsits with shared bathrooms if they want cheap accommodation.

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......when a young man burgles your home, beats you up etc., look to the evil men who stole from the public and denied him the opportunity to a decent life, for they are the real criminals,


no, the young man who does all that is the criminal, there are plenty of other people in similar situations who don't turn to crime and never would

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Actually, it is. Prices rise when something is in demand but short supply, like . . . housing. If there were less people and more houses, property would be much cheaper.


You are both right chem1st point is that house prices are also set by affordability, a shortage of houses won't put prices up if people can't afford them, house prices should have dropped when first time buyers could no longer afford them. But buy to let landlords stepped in the fill the void and made money because rents were kept artificially high with housing benefits.

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You've said this before. Are you are aware of the council tax bands, andn that they are based on property value?


Yes, they are based upon the 1991 value.




They need to be re-banded. As most of Sheffield houses are band A.


If you ask me, anything over £70k should now be in band B.


Taking into account inflation (RPI), only houses under about 66k would be band A based upon the 1991 bands.


However, the bands are set according to authority and 1991 value and don't bare much relation to the property value.


Hence a single man in a £10k bedsit/caravan in Lancaster, can pay more than a family of billionaires in a multi million pound mansion in Westminister.

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