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Chrismas avatar top left hand corner

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Just going on the avatar you have in the top left hand corner of the screen, about wishing the dole scroungers a happy christmas !! There are many differant reasons why people are on the dole in the first place,


* Some people have worked all there life and in the critical stages the climate is in have been made redundant through no fault of their own have to claim benifits


* Then there the single mums/disability who have to stay at home and bring up their children who have no option but to claim benifits


* Then theres the SCROUNGERS who claim benifits who can work but rather spend there giro on drugs and stolen chav gear who get all the benifit they need and the training that jobcentre allows them and they still take the ****.


The statement above are the real SCROUNGERS not the 1s who have worked hard and contributed to the Tax man and the single mums/disability who have no option who arnt the scroungers.


I think people out there need to stop tarring people with the same brush we arnt scroungers and never have been ive been on Income Support because i have children but now there old enough im in work full time that doesnt make me a scrounger ? :huh:

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Have you been on the cooking sherry? :suspect:


Who's avatar are you talking about?


There [b/]has[/b] been one which appears on the top left of the SF Christmas logo thing. (they seem to cycle each time you look at a different page or refresh), and there is one which does make (or did) reference to dole scroungers. I did think it was of dubious taste when I saw it too! But didn't comment, as it's presumably been sanctioned by the 'powers that be'.


Some people are 'out and out' scroungers, and some are not. You can't generalise.


All I know is that when I've been unfortunate enough to have to claim benefits, I seem to have the hardest time, and it's like trying to squeeze blood out of a stone. So I don't know how these people 'work the system'. But then I don't want to 'work the system' I'd rather 'work'!...lol

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I think it's meant sort of tongue in cheek, given how many threads are started by someone irate about the 'dole scroungers'. Meh. Lighten up. I don't think it's that big a deal.


My first thought was that the forum had been hacked, then I laughed out loud.

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They are for the Christmas competition in which you can vote. There's also one with Sheffield spelled with only one F.......wonder how many will notice that:?: I agree, I think its supposed to be a light hearted thing.

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