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I think it's meant sort of tongue in cheek, given how many threads are started by someone irate about the 'dole scroungers'. Meh. Lighten up. I don't think it's that big a deal.


My first thought was that the forum had been hacked, then I laughed out loud.


at least someone got it

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  • 3 weeks later...
If you are not a dole scrounger, more a deserving beneficiary of benefits, then why worry?


... or do you feel left out and would like a greeting specifically for your group?


a lot of people are on the "dole" through no fault of their own and would rather work, to put everyone into 1 class is akin to Hitler and the Jews, he did exactly the same thing!!!

I think that the banner is nasty and sends the wrong message to the world about Sheffield Forum and its people

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