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Israel is in danger of emulating its worst enemies

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Some guy who may or may not work for an organisation i can find no trace of may have been making a list of arab businesses in order to encourage them being boycotted.


Net result, he gets arrested by..er Jewish police officers.


And this proves Israel is evil how?



So in spite of the countless groups boycotting Israel, Israel still retains the moral high ground and arrests this man for boycotting Arab businesses?


Israel truly is a light unto us all!




And thanks to CXC3000 for bringing us this story we all probably would have missed!

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As each day goes by, it seems this is actually becoming a reality. Israel, once an apparent democracy, now just looking like it's neighbours (and even worse).


Or was it always like this ? :cool:




It would be appropriate for the leadership to ensure that the present system of shutting its eyes to what is happening does not bring us to a track characteristic of the rise to power of authoritarian regimes.






What? Your post makes no sense at all?:huh:

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Long drawn out sigh. Yet ANOTHER biased, anti-semitic, hate filled thread from the site's resident troll, AKA CXC3000.


CXC, if you must post your vile spewings, please do it on any other site than this one. Your racist nastiness is NOT welcome.

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Back on topic, can you tell us more about this evil neo ultra super zionist plot known as "Hebrew work"?




It's the 'work' of certain Jewish extremists who are targeting Arab-owned businesses and making sure they go out of business (by advising non-Arabs not to buy from there).


Disgusting, don't you think ?


Long drawn out sigh. Yet ANOTHER biased, anti-semitic, hate filled thread from the site's resident troll, AKA CXC3000.


CXC, if you must post your vile spewings, please do it on any other site than this one. Your racist nastiness is NOT welcome.


Your post is unwarranted and uncalled for.


Criticising Israeli extremism and terrorism is not being anti-semitic. Unfortunately (for the ultra-Zionists), that particular card has been done to death and doesn't work anymore.

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It's the 'work' of certain Jewish extremists who are targeting Arab-owned businesses and making sure they go out of business (by advising non-Arabs not to buy from there).


Disgusting, don't you think ?




Your post is unwarranted and uncalled for.


Criticising Israeli extremism and terrorism is not being anti-semitic. Unfortunately (for the ultra-Zionists), that particular card has been done to death and doesn't work anymore.


Is this what's happening?


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I've asked what you think of a Jewish individual asking other Jewish folk not to buy from Arab shops; in other words, engaging in an Arab boycott.


Do you see anything wrong in that ?




Not too difficult to change IPs in this day and age, 'xfactory'... ;)

No it means a little less money will be transferred to Hamas therefore less rockets..simples its not unusual whats your problem ?

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