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Some good news at last.

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All my life I have asked myself this question. In all the known galaxies, only one planet so far has ever been known to support life. The ingredients for this are air and water. For warmth wood and coal, then oil and electricity. For creation fairly even numbers of male and female. A superb feat of engineering by any standard. First we try gigantic animals like dinosaurs, figure out they don't fit the plans then get rid of them. Overstock then start a few wars to clear out some. While evolution has something to do with it, you can only evolve from a base, so who or what created that?


Ha ha, that's quite funny. :)


Unfortunately there are quite a few over there who really think (or don't) like that. I guess you must have met a few.

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Any of those things is possible, if people turn the energies that were previously directed at God, towards helping other people.Whether they'll do so is another question entirely.



So the Salvation Army for example doesn't devote most of it's time to helping people? Church groups do not organize raffles and fairs for charity? Christian groups dont help each other in time of need such as bereavment of a family member or someone going through a divorce?


Volunteers from church groups dont go overseas to third world countries to help the sick and the poor. My sons church group sent volunteers to Haiti to help out after the big quake




I forget what the parish churches were like in England but this is what many community churches do where I live.


I'd be interested to hear what atheist groups do other than going around ranting that there's no god

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Then people will stop praying and use their hands to provide practical and lasting support to those in need. I see churches on most streets. My 'village' has seven. One is now a carpet shop, one just hosts events, one has a service at five on Sundays, one is a catholic church doing well. One is Jehovahs Witness and one is Sally Army.


Maybe one day the only religion in England will be Islam. Now that would be funny.

The atheists wont have any luck either in persuading Muslims that religion is a waste of time :hihi:

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You don't believe, you just don't understand and because you don't understand you change the meaning of words to make yourself feel better.


Ok, I'm still happy with it.



Next time I enter into a debate with you I will have to remember to ask what each word means in your world.


I wasn't inviting debate, I said something and you went at it like a jack russell with a squeaky toy.

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Of course, there is no proof a god does not exist.


Then what's the point of atheists continually arguing that there is no god?


If religion and the church have done some good (and there are a lot of religious people and christian organisations who do a lot of good) then what's the beef from the atheists all about?

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Then what's the point of atheists continually arguing that there is no god?


If religion and the church have done some good (and there are a lot of religious people and christian organisations who do a lot of good) then what's the beef from the atheists all about?


Well I can only speak for myself as an atheist - I can't prove there is no god any more than I can prove there is no teapot orbiting the sun. I have no beef with people doing good, but I question why you would need religion to do good. Religion has also done a lot of bad. If people learned to do good without religion, we wouldn't have to put up with all the **** religion brings with it.

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