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Home Made Christmas Presents - Yes or No?

Do you like receiving home made Christmas presents  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like receiving home made Christmas presents

    • Yes
    • No - not at all
    • Yes but only from kids
    • Depends what it is

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I'd love home made presents. They take much more thought and effort than buying something from a shop. A home made present means so much more.

I've kept all the home made presents I've received over the years. Can't say the same about the shop bought stuff....

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I don't mind.


If somebody has gone to the trouble of making something themselves they have thought about me. Making something takes time and planning which is a lot more thoughtful than doing a Xmas eve run along the middle aisle of boots.


I couldn't agree more, the thought and effort put into home made gifts far outweight monetary value. My friend is excellent at decorating glass, and makes pictures on glass or decorates drinking glasses which always look good and when given to a guest with a drink in them always receives praise.

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I love giving and recieving handmade gifts and as far as I am aware they have always been really well recieved. I will always treasure the things that my brother made for me especially since he is no longer with us. The person who has made it for you has put a little bit of themselves into it and made an original piece especially for you - what is not to love about that! This year I am making something for both Mum and my sister and to be honest, I could have bought them cheaper, but they wouldn't be the same.

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My brother and his girlfriend hand sewed me a gorgeous owl cushion for my birthday last year. I was actually a bit taken aback by the thoughtfulness and the time it must have taken for them to make it, and because of this it was one of the loveliest gifts I've ever received. :)

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I've added a poll to the thread, vote away!


When I left my last job I got a few gifts, but the best one was a photo collage someone made for me, using photos from various work nights out, Christmas parties, charity fancy dress days etc.


I was grateful for all my gifts because I didn't expect anything, but that one was my favourite because of the time and effort the person had put into it.

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...or do you feel like its a bit of a let down?

Depends..... do you mean from children or adults? Do you mean chocolates and cakes, or toilet roll covers?:shakes: Depends :smile:

definatly wouldnt mind if it was from a child, from an adult.....like misty says depends what it was, wouldnt be impressed with a bit of thoughtless tat

That nicely illustrates the little cloud of disappointment that can hang over hand-made gift giving. That's especially the case when spreading the hand-made love beyond your immediate circle of close friends and family, and where care hasn't been taken to carefully match the gift to the recipient. The latter point, of course, might be a cause for disappointment if the gift was shop-bought, but when 'hand-made', for some, is still associated with the cheap, quick and easy 'home-made' option, that disappointment can turn to derision.


As some of the threads in the knitting group illustrate, some people really do have minimal appreciation of how much skill, time, effort and money can go in to crafting something hand-made (just to clear it up: having someone hand knit you a Christmas jumper is not a quick or cheap alternative to buying one...)


So, if you don't want your gloriously intricate Niebling lace to end up lining the cat's basket, or your painstakingly traditional Fair Isle jumper - knit from that out-of-print pattern you went to the trouble of tracking down - shipped off to Oxfam, be careful who you craft for.

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