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Jeremy Kyle- right or wrong?


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One could argue they're being rewarded. Kyle seems highly amused when a guest comes back for their 2nd, 3rd show with new pregnant girlfriend/ex in tow. They're not given cash for being on the show, because they'd spend it on fags and booze. Instead, they are just given fags and booze. :rolleyes:


There is an odd pleasure in watching Jeremy Kyle, maybe even a dark pleasure, and I have joined in with that. I've watched it, I've fed the monster. The basis for that pleasure though is unabashed voyeurism. It's the cultural car crash - when idiots collide. Moralising about giving them 'aftercare' is what offends me.


Like it, like it like it. Like it, like it, like it....


New title for the JK show:-


< voice over:- deep voice:->


"JK, - When Idiots collide!"

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I know "of" someone who went on his show, He pays you £500 for going on, although the person i know was a pregnant smack head so she got a 3d scan and video of her unborn child, She says ( whether its true or not, as she is a typical drug user and lies about everything) there was no aftercare, He abused her on stage and called her all the usual names, the show ended and so did there involvement, Shes still a drug user but has 2 children now.

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I watch JK when I have the time, but most of his guests are scum who are on the show anyway and are usually young chavvy type people who have no respect for themselves or other people? I think when JK speaks to them he is doing right, I think hes brill. I have to admit though, some of the people are not scum and have some respect for human beings and themselves. I think this guy who was on the JK show who snapped his girlfriends spine would be in prison by now and most likely she would be dead or in a wheelchair. I think they also get the worst kind of people on there for the viewing numbers too.

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