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Taliban heroin and your street

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The Taliban is not one unit with one aim. If you take nothing else in today remember that.


This means it is possible to talk and negotiate with some eliments of the Taliban and we already are.


You have pakistanni Taliban

Afganistan Taliban


You also have Arab Taliban Hindu kush Taliban north west frontier Taliban, it goes on and on.


Heroin funds many and decides who is good, bad, etc


The drugs buy goodwill, so the best drugs dealers get the best image. Even our soldiers cannot harm the poppy, If we destroyed the poppy fields we would see a massive backlash loud and clear


The situation is so vile, we will never make sense of it.


All we can do to get something positive out of all this death is to destroy the poppy fields and ensure it's impossible to grow anymore ever. Why? It's here on our streets care of the Taliban and the nice ones at that:roll:


We all know the situation, do we not?


For some reason the people of the West are addicted to opiates.

This addiction is causing mass disruption and social upheaval in our main conurbations.

The drugs are being supplied by the Islamic countries.

The reason for this is to make it easier to dominate the west.

The vast majority of drug dealers are muslims, who do not indulge themsleves.

It is as clear as the summer sun what is going on.

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I saw some opium poppies growing on neil road, just off ecclesall road a few months ago.


true story.


Please explian to me what kind of an area that is now.

Last time I lived in my home town, that was a decent area.

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