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Train ride commuter helps out

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What the passenger without the ticket did may have been wrong but as the saying goes 2 wrongs don't make a right. One of the reasons we have laws in place, mind you it was Scotland so the law may be different.


Do you live in the real world?


Excuse me Mr foul mouthed fare dodging customer would you mind getting off the train as everyone wants to get home.




I kick up the backside.



Come on , which do you think will work.

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common sense would have been for the guard to have the BTP waiting at the next station not for vigalantism to take over.


Or maybe this is what cameron was talking about when he said about big society.


I can't help thinking that common sense is to just remove the guy, why should we wait for the transport police to show up when it is something so easily done by someone willing to stand up to this behaviour. People should stand up to it a lot more, then there would probably be a lot less chav behaviour. If you see someone behaving like an idiot stop it yourself don't sit on your arse waiting for the police or whoever to do it for you.


Its so depressing that everyone trying to just live their lives quietly and legally has to tread on eggshells to avoid upsetting a sue happy chav. We should be allowed to stand up for ourselves.

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no wonder chavs run riot seems half this message board would let him off i will never understand the mentality of some people, to be fair the young lad doesent look like your typical council estate scum bag from his facebook pictures but he deffo got what he deserved and should just take it like a man

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This is my point, if the lad did have a valid ticket, as he is now claiming, why did he not show it ?

Maybe he thought by acting the way he did, that he would get away with it.


All boils down to the fact that most of the youth of today have no respect for anyone. If I had spoken to anyone like that when I was a kid, that would have been the treatment I would have got - plus a clip round the ear from my dad.


Society has gone soft, thats why kids today are like that.


At the very least, it's about lack of respect. There was no reason for the lad to behave in the way he did towards the conductor. The conductor was merely doing his job. No one deserves to be spoken to in that way.


Like you, had I behaved in such a way I would have been dealt with by my parents. They certainly wouldn't be defending my actions on the news.

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