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Awful Post office "Service"

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I can see this has got everyone Excited and now many are making personal comments and other rubbish about me.


Lets get down to the basic facts:


Royal Mail have a policy of not trying to deliver a parcel, but of delivering a card to advise you they have a parcel for you at the depot.


The size and type of facilities and staff the Royal mail have put in place for collecting said parcel from said depot, is woefully inadequate, casuing many people to have to wait for a long time in the outdoors in cold weather.


This is unacceptable to me, and everyone else.


End of Story

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Lets get down to the basic facts:


Royal Mail have a policy of not trying to deliver a parcel,

End of Story


If any RM worker does not try to deliver any item,it is wilful delay and a sack able offence.Get your facts right before you make any comments .End of story.

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Similar story.

Last Thursday Royal Mail "attempted" to deliver a parcet to us. We were in but recieved a card through the door.This said that we we to wait 72 hours, for the parcel to travel back to Mansfield Road sorting office [a distance of less than 4 miles ]. After waiting until Wednesday we called and waited in a queue for over 1/2 an hour outside behind tales of lost, misplaced parcels to be told that even though it said wait 72 hours this was not a hard and fast rule as they were "busy".

The joke was that he then advised us to ring that aftenoon to see if it had arrived. To say the least we were incredudulous as the whole time we were in the tiny office the phone had been ringing constantly yet no one went near it.

We did phone up, no one answered it but we did get an answering machine and left all our details asking them to ring us back. Did they, did they hell. Another day another 1/2 hour wait and we got our parcel which according to the tales of those in front of us we should at least be gratefull.

Absolutely abyssmal service, and how anyone on here can think its acceptable is beyond me.

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