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Question of morality on cheating

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Do you think the woman has done anything wrong? (I.e. the woman the married man is seeing) I feel for this person it maybe psychological as her dad cheated on her mum when she was young and she was close to her dad however since the age of 7 she has never seen her dad till this day. Not that it is an excuse but perhaps that hasnt helped her moraility.

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Do you think the woman has done anything wrong? (I.e. the woman the married man is seeing) I feel for this person it maybe psychological as her dad cheated on her mum when she was young and she was close to her dad however since the age of 7 she has never seen her dad till this day. Not that it is an excuse but perhaps that hasnt helped her moraility.


I'm clearly in a minority of one but no, i don't think she is doing anything wrong. She's not trying to break up the marriage, she's freely having minimal sex with some guy who may or may not be doing something wrong, depending on what the state of his marriage is.


I'm not saying this sort of thing is to be encouraged but I think the concept of marriage however bad is a sacred cow is very 1950s, we don't live in that era and harshly judging people for giving into what are basic human urges is, at best, a little outdated.

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:hihi::hihi: It's the oldest line in the book, isn't it?


Can someone who is cheating really be trusted to tell the truth about his/her 'reasons' for cheating?


Sounds like if he wasn't getting it at home, he's the type to be well away by now.:hihi:


To the OP, yes it's wrong. To assist in a married person's cheating is low, they are no better than the married person, if they think otherwise they are kidding themself, and it's a sign they can't be trusted either. I've seen cheaters get together, and form new relationships, they are a living hell, as neither partner can trust the other is not going to do it again to them.

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I don't think SHE, (your friend), is cheating. As far as I can see she is being honest. On whom is she cheating? Why is the onus for HIS infidelities being placed on HER? It is ALWAYS the woman who gets the bad press. I wouldn't necessarily condone it, but I certainly would not condemn it. She meets him once a year, and is not interested in a relationship. Sounds like she just scratches an occasional itch. I wonder how many of his itches he scratches with other women, too. Clearly if his sex life is dead, his once a year with your friend is not going to suffice. Blame him, not her. Give her a break. The woman is not responsible for a man cheating on his wife. It's HIM!

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What your friend is doing is wrong and has the capacity to wreak havoc on other people's lives.


On the other hand if he is happy with his marriage but not the sex, then having sex with the other women could save his marriage, for all we know his wife is also happy in the marriage but doesn't like sex, so turns a blind eye to his cheating.

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what your friend is doing is wrong, just as what the married man is doing is wrong, how many more husbands are there out there whos sex life is flat, and they stay faithful to their wife, whats the matter with him, the best thing he can do is talk to his wife and get their sex life sorted.

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In order to cheat on someone, doesn't there have to be some form of promise to that someone?


No. If either is in another relationship then its wrong. Plain and simple and if i caught my husband doing ANYTHING with another woman i would make sure it was the last time he would EVER be able to use his 'bits' EVER again!

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