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Have You Ever Infiltrated?


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I'll explain something to you Xenia before you start gloating. In order to prevent gate crashers joining a party the organisers have to send out invites then they have to have staff or somebody to check the peoples credentials before they're allowed to enter,otherwise it's free to anybody. I'm pretty sure there is no law of tresspass in the U.K.

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I'll explain something to you Xenia before you start gloating. In order to prevent gate crashers joining a party the organisers have to send out invites then they have to have staff or somebody to check the peoples credentials before they're allowed to enter,otherwise it's free to anybody. I'm pretty sure there is no law of tresspass in the U.K.


To obtain a pecuniary advantage by deception is crime. The desciption given in the opning thread descibes this crime exactly. Nothing to do with trespass.


I will gloat on.

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Holier than thou comes to mind. Xenia, Zakes most likely did it for laughs, the food and drinks were supplied with the owners knowledge so how could it be theft.


A couple joined a party at the White House and they became famous.


So if I steal my turkey from Teso it ok as long as I "do it for a laugh?"

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