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These guys have to go

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Come on Tony, you know that what GrapeApe said is fact.

Unemployment has always been used as a weapon.

The first thing that any Tory government does is ramp up unemployment, in order to drive wages and terms of employment down.

It has been their policy from time immemorial.

Full employment is something they dread.

They have no bargaining counter but the dole queue.


I agree but why do you say its something they dread, why should that be, its a vote loser for all parties surely

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You're even more barking that GrapeApe though.


I always had you down as an intelligent man Tony.

Now it seems as if your personality comments under your name and comments section sum you up.

How are the mighty fallen, eh?

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I agree but why do you say its something they dread, why should that be, its a vote loser for all parties surely


Why should full employment be something a party that represents the working class be afraid of?

Full employment means that the worker has the whip hand.

Our commodity is then at a premium, that is our skill, knowledge and labour.


It is for this reason that the Common Market was developed.

To keep wages down in any one country.

By enabling the capitalist to easily move labour from one place to another, wages can be kept to a minimum.

This is the reason, during the recent boom, we had all the cowboy eastern European workers here. They would work for nothing, and, on the face of it did reasonable work.

It is only now, after they have gone elsewhere, that we are finding the very poor work they did.

And it will cost a fortune to put right.

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I always had you down as an intelligent man Tony.

Now it seems as if your personality comments under your name and comments section sum you up.

How are the mighty fallen, eh?


Please dont turn this dabate into a stage for personal abuse!

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Why should full employment be something a party that represents the working class be afraid of?

Full employment means that the worker has the whip hand.

Our commodity is then at a premium, that is our skill, knowledge and labour.


It is for this reason that the Common Market was developed.

To keep wages down in any one country.

By enabling the capitalist to easily move labour from one place to another, wages can be kept to a minimum.

This is the reason, during the recent boom, we had all the cowboy eastern European workers here. They would work for nothing, and, on the face of it did reasonable work.

It is only now, after they have gone elsewhere, that we are finding the very poor work they did.

And it will cost a fortune to put right.


This on its own highlights two problems, 1 being the amount companies will pay for proper labour and skills and secondly, these people got off their ass to get work in a country they THOUGHT was better than their own, jobs do need to be filled. Too many people in this country have the "I wouldnt get out of bed for that" attitude, so this is something thats needs addressing

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This on its own highlights two problems, 1 being the amount companies will pay for proper labour and skills and secondly, these people got off their ass to get work in a country they THOUGHT was better than their own, jobs do need to be filled. Too many people in this country have the "I wouldnt get out of bed for that" attitude, so this is something thats needs addressing


And it probably will be before long!


With the cost of living and the price of rents and houses its a fact that people cannot work for the low amounts easily afforded by people who come here to work in large numbers,who get additional help and live in houses shared by large numbers sharing the costs while sending their spare money 'Home' to pay for their properties there.

Not that this has anythig to do with the present Goverment it was the last crooked shower that wasnt ashamed to put others first and shun their own.At least this goverment is trying,albeit with hands tied behind their backs.

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This on its own highlights two problems, 1 being the amount companies will pay for proper labour and skills and secondly, these people got off their ass to get work in a country they THOUGHT was better than their own, jobs do need to be filled. Too many people in this country have the "I wouldnt get out of bed for that" attitude, so this is something thats needs addressing


The situation is now too far gone to return to the situation we had back in the fifties, but that was a boom time for this country.

We had nothing like the standard of living we have today, but we had many things.


Practically full employment, so little drain on the dole queue


Pride in being a decent person, and being self sufficient, so little drain on the gimme culture.


Relatively small firms, that were not international capitalist, giving good employment to local people


Non of this idleness that was introduced by Thatcher and Major to advance their destructive idealism of moneterist markets.


Freedom from the slave market that is the Common Market.

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I always had you down as an intelligent man Tony.

Now it seems as if your personality comments under your name and comments section sum you up.

How are the mighty fallen, eh?


Ooo, get you!


SUZIFACE has it bang on. The notion that any credible political party wants unemployment is utterly bizarre... barking! If you genuinely believe it you've undermined anything else that you might say. You just can't be taken seriously.


You need to have a rethink to recalibrate your ideas, and here's the basic reason why;


Unemployment is a major factor in undermining communities and societal progress. After a shoddy education it is the biggest cause of creating people who are reliant on the state, which is as far from the ideals of the current Government as you can imagine.

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The Tories want unemployment to rise. Its in their blood. More out of work means lower wages and higher profits for their pals.
What's sad is that some people really do believe such nonsense, so strong are the emotions created by the politics of envy.


If you look back on each time we've had a Labour government, the result when they've been removed has indeed been a rise in unemployment and hard times. But why? Simple - every time Labour gets into power, they overspend drastically, and when the Conservatives take over they have the thankless task of putting it right - and of course, are blamed by the Labour voters/Mirror readers.


Perhaps it would be better to have continued with a Labour government, kept on spending, kept more people employed then after a year or two join Greece and Ireland with our own little EU begging bowl?

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