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Being fat and offensive.

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A few years back, maybe 10 years, I was overweight and this kid called me a fat so and so. I told him to wait until he got another 20 years on his back but I didn't seem to get through to him because I saw him the other week looking like he was maybe 20 stone, no exaggeration, and I had lost 4 stone. He tried to hide but couldn't. Anyway, I just said, "Hi" and walked on.

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P.s. the thread isn't about the words used (fat/skinny), it's about comments in general, so don't take much notice of the actual wording.


But people do comment on weight increase; they say 'You're looking so well!'. This usually means 'wow you got fat'!

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It's also apparently fine to make skinny jokes all the time but not fat jokes. I used to have an overactive thyroid (which makes you lose weight as one symptom) and people used to say all sort of stupid things like 'oh lucky you I wish I had that' etc, I'm like it's a horrible medical problem that comes with a lot of nasty complications that made my life utterly miserable for years, that I wouldn't wish on anyone. So annoying - people just seem to think that weight loss should be valued above everything else and that if you are thin you must be perfectly happy with your body and therefore fine with being commented about. It's not on really.

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How is this thread not about shopping in Morrisons Hillsborough?


It's the perfect discription of the big fat messes that block the aisles jabbering on to their equally fat chums about vacuous topics such as corrie, our keelie, x-factor and telling their equally fat spawnings to "ger ere".


Morrisons need to equip their trolleys with Ben Hur style spikes on the wheels for the non-lardbucket community to be able to actually get in and out of the place without being blocked at every hand and turn by unsightly lumps with the speed and proportions of a supertanker.

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Fat is the new normal. If somebody trims themself down a bit then it's nice to complement them but why complement a chubster for being like the rest of us chubsters.


"Alright Bob, you look normal today mate"


Doesn't work does it.

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How is this thread not about shopping in Morrisons Hillsborough?


It's the perfect discription of the big fat messes that block the aisles jabbering on to their equally fat chums about vacuous topics such as corrie, our keelie, x-factor and telling their equally fat spawnings to "ger ere".


Morrisons need to equip their trolleys with Ben Hur style spikes on the wheels for the non-lardbucket community to be able to actually get in and out of the place without being blocked at every hand and turn by unsightly lumps with the speed and proportions of a supertanker.


In future leave your wife and her sister at home,and you take care of the kids.

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Being complimented on weight loss is nice. The other way, not so much. That's just the way it is. Chances are, you know the person who gained weight isn't happy about it, so why would you comment on it?


I hadn't seen a cousin of my husband's in at least ten years. Her husband told me I was the spitting image of his first wife, except I was heavier. Oh GOD. The diet starts tomorrow!


I corrected him, I am the first wife!! :hihi: I don't know who was more uncomfortable, me or him. He apologized, my husband and his cousin thought it was hilarious.

I sometimes get asked " When are you due?" I wouldn't mind except Im male. My pulminory specialist gets on my case because of my love of Irish sausage, bacon and eggs. My cardiologist gets on my case over salt, my wife wants me to use Splenda instead of sugar. I will do what they want when hell freezes over.
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