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Being fat and offensive.

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So check the scenarios...


You notice someone has lost a hell of a lot of weight and you say "Oh wow, you look so skinny" - They thank you


Basically what you're saying is...Oh wow, you don't look fat any more- which isn't a lot of difference from the following..


"Oh wow, you look so fat"


Why is it deemed socially acceptable to comment on weight loss, but not weight gain? Would you personally be offended by either of the 2 scenarios?


Overweight carries a social stigma generally. If you're fat you're ugly, if you're ugly you're an outcast.


Even if a fat person loses weight they can't win because theirs always someone bonehead reminding them that they were once fat by means of a half arsed attempt at diplomacy.

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i had a different problem. when i lost weight all i got from people were comments of how i shouldnt lose more weight, how i was looking awful and how i was going to end up killing myself while losing weight


nope being obese was slowly killing me but no one took me aside and expressed concern for my health then

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I watched a comedian do a bit about this recently.


Comment on weight loss not gain


Make jokes about tall people and so on, but not short people.


I suppose you can go as far in to it as saying, a lot of black comedians compare races, sometimes have some fun with the white people, but the other way round is racist and so on....personally couldn't care less on that one.


There were some others as well, but I forget them now.

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To draw attention to the other person is a sign of of insecurity in the greeter.

Of what interest is the other person to the greeter?

It is a sad way of gaining the upper hand, from square one in the conversation.

It is the even more cowardly equivalent of the famous lie 'no disrespect to you'

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It's also apparently fine to make skinny jokes all the time but not fat jokes. I used to have an overactive thyroid (which makes you lose weight as one symptom) and people used to say all sort of stupid things like 'oh lucky you I wish I had that' etc, I'm like it's a horrible medical problem that comes with a lot of nasty complications that made my life utterly miserable for years, that I wouldn't wish on anyone. So annoying - people just seem to think that weight loss should be valued above everything else and that if you are thin you must be perfectly happy with your body and therefore fine with being commented about. It's not on really.


I think the posts on here contradict that fact, many insulting comments against fat people none against thin people

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I ve just lost a lot of weight because my son has been very ill and I have been so worried and unable to eat. I have received a lot of comment some of it sounding very critical as if I chose to lose weight. I wish people would not feel they have a right to make personal comment. If a friend told me they were trying to loose weight then some encouragement would be appreciated. otherwise mind your own business.

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