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P C Gone Mad?, Yes or NO.

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I have a theory:


The less likely a person is to come into contact with a Muslim and offer them friendly

greetings, the more likely they are to get agitated about hypothetical Muslims not accepting a

hypothetically friendly handshake. I'm sure there's some irony in there somewhere!

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I have a theory:


The less likely a person is to come into contact with a Muslim and offer them friendly

greetings, the more likely they are to get agitated about hypothetical Muslims not accepting a

hypothetically friendly handshake. I'm sure there's some irony in their somewhere!


haha, very well put.

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you make me sick!!


Or what if they lacked the co-ordination due to a severe neurological condition?

Why not just stick the boot in by trying to make them shake hands, then get mardy when they can't? The sheer heartlessness is truly nauseating!

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There is no rule.


It was just some advice that in some cases it might not be appropriate.


I didn't say there was! I just said there is no need for one or advice for that matter. I think that advice is pretty bad anyway, how can you tell by looking at someone whether they want to shake hands or not?

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It is so funny small issues lead to such debate!


To clarify: In Islam mixing across genders is discouraged and this includes any type of physical contact. so, men and women dont shake hands - this is a norm for many 'practising' muslims and it doesnt really cause any problems if explained.

However as with all people following a faith, adhering to this is down to personal choice... some muslims do it and some dont, Just as some Sikhs wear turbans and some dont, or some jews only eat kosher and some dont.

The fact most Universities respect diversity is a commendable thing and should be respected,


Hope this clarifies things somewhat :)


Except that the advice they gave is stupid as the only thing it could lead to is not offering to shake someones hand based on the way they look. That is what might cause offence-not offering a hand and getting a "I'm sorry I don't shake hands because..." reply.


I would also be offended by advice like this because it does not attribute any intelligence to the people it is advising. I suspect its the "diversity officer" trying to make sure they feel needed in their non job!

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Originally Posted by ANGELFIRE1

I would feel offended if I proffered my hand to ANYONE and it was rebuffed.


Simple as that. I look on the deed as a sign of friendship.











you make me sick!!"





"Or what if they lacked the co-ordination due to a severe neurological condition?

Why not just stick the boot in by trying to make them shake hands, then get mardy when they can't? The sheer heartlessness is truly nauseating!"




There are some very strange folk on this webby site, trolls by name, trolls by nature.



I have a mate who is paralysed from the neck down, when we meet I rest my hand on his, obviously he cannot respond in ANY way physicaly, but we know what it means, similar to a handshake - FRIENDSHIP.



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