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War in Iraq now over.

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The oilfields, the geo-strategic positioning for any pre-emptive strikes on future sovereign nations (namely Iran), the permanent US bases in said country, another 'leader' who will do the US's bidding at any time...


From the Neo-Con Zionist POV, I'd say it's a pretty good success.


But then, that was the plan all along...


Wrap it up! You're rants against Jews have been so many and so full of hatred for so long that if Himmler was still alive you'd be his Number One Poster Boy.


I know what you really are !!

Where were Jews mentioned?



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saddam is dead thats great in itself


Whys that then Terry? What do you REALLY know about the man? What you wont get is his version of events and theres always 2 sides to a story.

I would sooner have lived in Iraq under Saddam than the current American puppet.

Saddams name had to be blackened,nobody would have supported going to steal his oil otherwise.

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And they dare give "democracy" lessons to other countries.


It's not Obama he's just a puppet, the Nobel price he received for doing absolutely nothing proves that he is just here to give a good image of America after the Bush era.


I suppose we have to have a super power. Who in your opinion would you choose to replace the USA? In which they would make the world a safer, more just place?

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The President of America has stated the the war in Iraq is now finished and it has been a "Success". How can he possibly say that ? 4,500 mostly young working class american soldiers dead, thousands seriously injured, thousands of innocent civillians killed and wounded in Iraq. You honestly think you have left behind a "stable" country Obama ?. Mr President you make me want to puke ! Now for Iran...........Heaven help us all !


Stable? Has Iraq ever been stable? Seems to me not much changed in Iraq, other than our news crews could report on it.

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Stable? Has Iraq ever been stable?
Rightly or wrongly, under Saddam, it was.


A pretty 'normal' country (by Western standards, for the region) until the early 90s, with schools, colleges, hospitals (I built a few, actually, US-made prefabs), decent std of living, etc. Wherein Saddam was not really any worse then, than the likes of Mubarak, Assad and consorts up until very recently.


What might have been, if only Saddam hadn't wanted to trade Iraqi oil in petro-currencies other than the U$D...

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Rightly or wrongly, under Saddam, it was.


A pretty 'normal' country (by Western standards, for the region) until the early 90s, with schools, colleges, hospitals (I built a few, actually, US-made prefabs), decent std of living, etc. Wherein Saddam was not really any worse then, than the likes of Mubarak, Assad and consorts up until very recently.


What might have been, if only Saddam hadn't wanted to trade Iraqi oil in petro-currencies other than the U$D...


Hahahahaha, thanks needed a laugh.

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They'll be too busy concentrating on that to know whats going on elsewhere. Do the Iranians honestly believe we haven't known about the importance of the Straits for, oooh, forever? :hihi: Gadaffi also threatened the cost of oil would go skyhigh - nothing much happened - plus we in Europe buy Libyan crude, not Iranian - their biggest punter (and ally) the Chinese stand to lose out big if Iran did this. And as we see with other militaries in the area, it can all collapse quite easily when just one or two men are seen to.

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