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First Time You Watched "Threads"? What Did You Think?


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I was 14 and used to watching horror films by then, but threads was on a different level, very scary seeing your home town go up in smoke.


Apart from it didn't go up in smoke. Some woman peed her pants under a truck on the Moor and a lad melted while holding a budgie. While being slightly shocked at the brutal reality of it, i still loved it.


I don't think many of our younger generation realise just how bad a nuclear war would be. Someone should remake Threads for every city in the country.

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Well I can't find any proof of an attempted government block anywhere on line, you sure about that??:huh:


I remember the odd Tory MPs going on record against it, but I can't remember any government involvement. That said, the first time it was repeated was in 1985 on the anniversary of Hiroshima. The BBC then also showed "The War Game", which definitely was banned by the government in the 60s. That's another shocker.


The second time it was shown was the first time I saw it in colour. I remember the scene with the woman cradling the charred remains of her baby being a thousand times worse in colour.


I grew up during the cold war with an absoulute fear of hearing air raid sirens as a result of seeing Threads. We lived on the the Humber Estuary for a time a few years ago. There, they still use the Civil Defence air attack sirens as a public flood warning system, and they test them for a few minutes every month. Waking up at 8.30 in the morning to the sound of air raid sirens wailing was extremely disturbing the first time it happened.


On a lighter note, Threads features Zak Dingle out of Emmerdale in the town hall bunker. Complete with beard!

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Someone else on the forum must have had a hand in the making of this thought provoking drama if only as an extra, i provided some help with a film crew transport problem when they were in the old Infirmary.After all this time most of the locations will have either been demolished or changed beyond recognition.

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