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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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All theories.

God could be a chemical reaction that started everything by creating matter and energy.

And that chemical reaction was bourne on eliments that already existed ......... and were subsequently created by ???????? OR WERE ALREADY IN EXISTENCE
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And who created the creator???

I'm sure someone has a theory.

No matter which theory we favour none are proved and can constantly change as we learn and discover more knowledge.

I don't think any theory, no matter how far fetched it may seem at the moment can be positively discounted.

Quite honestly I don't think we will ever have conclusive proof that determines where we came from.

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and there lies the BIG QUESTION ?


which however much you debate no one will ever come up with an to that.


Unless you accept the theory that 'eternity', or 'infinity' exists, which religeous nuts use as an excuse for god, actually negtates a reason for any god.

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So no god then .... and no religion. and religious people are deluded?


I wouldn't call it a dilution I would call it an emotional response to the fear of their own mortality, God negates that fear and exists in the mind of the believer.

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