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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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I have to agree, Harleyman's mind seems to be very closed on how atheists think also.


EDIT: I read Mr.Smith's post wrong. Harleyman seems to have a closed mind on atheists, but I don't think what Mr.Smith says here is correct.


Which bit isn't correct?

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For me God does not exist although God can affect my life, God did not create the universe but God is capable of both good and evil. God affects my life occasionally when a believer does something good or bad, therefore I have an interest in God.

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How does believing that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena give you an open mind, I would say your mind is closed on the subject.


Didnt I make myself clear in another post? I'm open minded enough to believe that life on earth may have originated by intelligent design from sources from another planet billions of years ago and that they discovered that the ingredients for life existed on earth. You should take time to read my posts.

I'm open to all theories also. A closed mind is one which decides that a thing or being never existed and will hear no arguments to the contrary or dismiss such arguments as nonsensical the same way that they refuse to believe that religion does have and always had some positive sides to it.


I would say that you are closed minded because it seems you have some reluctance to broaden the discussion beyond slagging off the Catholic church

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It seems that is happening in the Anglican church and in England particularly. Appointing women priests and gay bishops didn't do them much good either. That's what comes of trying to be progressive :hihi:


Didnt the above also create a serious split in the Anglican church throughout the world and the African church threatening to break away completely?

The anglican church's problems are something for it to sort out. As and atheist, they don't really concern me.


As for the Catholic church I predict it's demise will occur if it even does, a long. long time after the complete demise of the Anglican church in England (but not necessarily the demise of the Anglicans in the rest of the world)


The Church of Rome still has a very strong following in the heavily populated south and central American countries and a large percentage in the US since the new Americans of south American and Peurto Rican descent have now surpassed black Americans as the largest ethnic minority in the US and are just about all members of the Catholic faith.

None of which answers the question of why they still support an organisation that shelters child abusers. As you claim you're not a catholic, I guess you can't answer that though.

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Didnt I make myself clear in another post? I'm open minded enough to believe that life on earth may have originated by intelligent design from sources from another planet billions of years ago and that they discovered that the ingredients for life existed on earth. You should take time to read my posts.

I'm open to all theories also. A closed mind is one which decides that a thing or being never existed and will hear no arguments to the contrary or dismiss such arguments as nonsensical the same way that they refuse to believe that religion does have and always had some positive sides to it.


I would say that you are closed minded because it seems you have some reluctance to broaden the discussion beyond slagging off the Catholic church


What as that to do with God?

You have to remember the discussion is about God and not advanced alien cultures, the very high probability that more advanced cultures than ours exist as no relevance to the discussion.

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I would say that you are closed minded because it seems you have some reluctance to broaden the discussion beyond slagging off the Catholic church


I haven't slagged the Catholic Church off, and I'm not broadening the discussion because it would take the discussion off topic, I would happily join a discussion about aliens if you want to start one.

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I have to agree, Harleyman's mind seems to be very closed on how atheists think also.EDIT: I read Mr.Smith's post wrong. Harleyman seems to have a closed mind on atheists, but I don't think what Mr.Smith says here is correct.


The only atheists I've ever come across are here on the forum. I never met an atheist face to face and therefore never had the chance to get into a discussion with him or her. My impression therefore of atheists has been influenced by what I"ve read on their posts on many threads on the forum over the years.

They seem to have a tendency to have some kind of superior belief that all religious people are either simple minded, brainwashed idiots or intellectually inferior because they are incapable of understanding the arrogant assertion that all religion is based upon a god who never existed.


I'm sure there are atheists somewhere out there who do have a less overbearing attitude but I wouldn't know them

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The only atheists I've ever come across are here on the forum. I never met an atheist face to face and therefore never had the chance to get into a discussion with him or her. My impression therefore of atheists has been influenced by what I"ve read on their posts on many threads on the forum over the years.

They seem to have a tendency to have some kind of superior belief that all religious people are either simple minded, brainwashed idiots or intellectually inferior because they are incapable of understanding the arrogant assertion that all religion is based upon a god who never existed.


I'm sure there are atheists somewhere out there who do have a less overbearing attitude but I wouldn't know them


Maybe the reason you haven’t met any atheist is because they don’t open themselves up to your closed mind, you have no interest in discussing God, your only interest is that you know best and whenever the subject of God arises you do your upmost to change the subject.

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What as that to do with God?

You have to remember the discussion is about God and not advanced alien cultures, the very high probability that more advanced cultures than ours exist as no relevance to the discussion.


Well let me add by saying perhaps there was a Being who was responsible for creating life on earth. and who is worshipped as God I'm quite willing to accept that idea along with sufficient proof as I'm willing to accept any theory so long as the proof is there.

Scientists with far better minds than mine havent even discounted the theory of a creator.


I'm open to youir firm opinion that god never existed if you can back it up with enough intelligent evidence and not just some "gut feeling" you've developed in your own mind

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Maybe the reason you haven’t met any atheist is because they don’t open themselves up to your closed mind, you have no interest in discussing God, your only interest is that you know best and whenever the subject of God arises you do your upmost to change the subject.


Garbago ! Here's the difference between you and me. You have come to the conclusion that there never was nor could have been a god and that religion is and always has been a completely negative force in the progress of mankind.


I on the other hand have no real answers nor can have a firm opinion of any sort that god either existed or did not exist.


Therefore it would appear that you know best since you do appear to have the answer about God's existence/non existence. I would be very curious to hear how you've reached your conclusion. I'm sure you must have some real insight into this that had been denied to me. :D

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