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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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It seems that is happening in the Anglican church and in England particularly. Appointing women priests and gay bishops didn't do them much good either. That's what comes of trying to be progressive


Our church is growing by 10% year on year with lots of new young families coming in. As are several other churches in the local area. Not quite the picture you're painting from thousands of miles away.

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The anglican church's problems are something for it to sort out. As and atheist, they don't really concern me.



None of which answers the question of why they still support an organisation that shelters child abusers. As you claim you're not a catholic, I guess you can't answer that though.


I was born and baptized a catholic but after one year of Sacred Heart school in Sheffield age 5-6 that was it for me. I still have very unpleasant memories of those nuns at that place and have had no part in that faith or any christian denomination since then


No I cant answer with any degree of accuracy as to why catholics still support an organization that shelters child abusers. What you seem to be suggesting though is that some gigantic upheaval should take place in this great big world wide hierarchy and everyone just say "sod it" and walk out.


It should be apparent that this has no part of reality however and is as likely to happen as a meteor hitting earth in the next 24 hours


It could be that many catholics while ashamed and upset about what has happened in their church look further than that in their worship of the virgin mary and the infant Jesus and believe that retribution will come to the child abusers in the after life but that's only a guess... who knows. I dont thinlk like a catholic.... only an agnostic

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Our church is growing by 10% year on year with lots of new young families coming in. As are several other churches in the local area. Not quite the picture you're painting from thousands of miles away.


I can only quote on what I've heard and read. I've heard that England could well be the first completely post Christian society in Europe in the not too distant future.

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You're serious? You've never met an atheist?


There arent very many where I live but my town is a very strong church going community. Why, even the guy who is recognized as the pioneer who established the town back in 1880 something was a minister of some sort who came west from Ohio.


On the other hand if you go to other places in California there are plenty of atheists. The atheist movement in Santa Monica has just won the right this Christmas to display their messages alongside the mangers in Pallisades Park.


However I only go to Santa Monica to enjoy a day at the beach and have a pint or two at the King's Head rather than seek out atheists :D

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Garbago ! Here's the difference between you and me. You have come to the conclusion that there never was nor could have been a god and that religion is and always has been a completely negative force in the progress of mankind.


I on the other hand have no real answers nor can have a firm opinion of any sort that god either existed or did not exist.


Therefore it would appear that you know best since you do appear to have the answer about God's existence/non existence. I would be very curious to hear how you've reached your conclusion. I'm sure you must have some real insight into this that had been denied to me. :D

If that is the conclusion you have come to then you are clearly not reading my posts, and if you are not reading my posts there is little point trying to discuss the subject with you. Before I can come any conclusion about God I would need to know what a God is and what it is supposedly capable of doing.

The problem is that people who believe in God don’t know what it is, or what it can do and won’t come to an agreement on its definition.

Asking if I believe in God is like asking if I believe in flijaruds.

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Our church is growing by 10% year on year with lots of new young families coming in. As are several other churches in the local area. Not quite the picture you're painting from thousands of miles away.

I suspect that a lot of those families will be paying lip service to the church to try and get their kids into faith schools.

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I suspect that a lot of those families will be paying lip service to the church to try and get their kids into faith schools.


Which reinforces the argument that the church will not close down. A good education overrides a system that's morally bankrupt. Irony and hypocrisy in there somewhere.

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Which reinforces the argument that the church will not close down. A good education overrides a system that's morally bankrupt. Irony and hypocrisy in there somewhere.


I have friends that are Catholic but don’t go to church and appear not to have much faith, they sent their kids to Catholic school despite its results being worse than the local comprehensive and being a bus ride away instead of a walk. Their kids complain about all the religion that they have to endure but they won’t allow the kids to go to the comprehensive because it’s the school they went to. I get the impression from the kids that they won’t make the same choice for their kids.

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I have friends that are Catholic but don’t go to church and appear not to have much faith, they sent their kids to Catholic school despite its results being worse than the local comprehensive and being a bus ride away instead of a walk. Their kids complain about all the religion that they have to endure but they won’t allow the kids to go to the comprehensive because it’s the school they went to. I get the impression from the kids that they won’t make the same choice for their kids.


I think I should have said "The perception of a good education".


The point I was making is that many chose to ignore/overlook perverted criminality in favour of their lil darlings being seen to be at the 'right' school.


As for your last sentence...I doubt it, their parents probably said the same. What a teen says and what it does in later adult life are two completely different things. It's a nice thought though.

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