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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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Saw Christopher Hitchins last night, not in person mind, on the box, and he said the religious nuts were saying his cancer, of the esophagus, was God's way of silencing his voice. Erm....:)


He also made a good point about people claiming to be doing God's work, when in fact they were part of the problem.. He mentioned Mother Theresa, who he'd been slated for criticising. He pointed out she may have saved a few with her bowls of soup but she killed more by encouraging the poor not to use contraception and by stating that abortion is murder...

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It seems that is happening in the Anglican church and in England particularly. Appointing women priests and gay bishops didn't do them much good either. That's what comes of trying to be progressive :hihi:


Didnt the above also create a serious split in the Anglican church throughout the world and the African church threatening to break away completely?


Good way to highlight the bigotted views of them.


And yourself judging by the smiley.

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How many people are there on the planet? - About 7 Billion.


How many are male?

How many of those males are paedophiles?


How many are female?

How many of those females are paedophiles?


You plug in the numbers.


How many Boy Scouts are there in the UK?


How many Boy Scout leaders are there in the UK?


How many of those are paedophiles?


Let's close down the Catholic Church and let's close down the Boy Scouts.


Let the parents look after the kids. After all, they bred them, didn't they?


If we closed down both the Catholic Church (the biggest Alms giver in the world) and the Boy Scouts then there would be no paedophilia and no poverty because all the arseholes with big mouths on this forum would step in, put their money where their mouths are and fund the programs funded by the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts.


How long will I have to wait to see a list of names (the names of people who want organisations they don't support) guarantee funding for alternatives?


I won't hold my breath.


By all means shut down the catholic church. Shut down boy scouts and everything else ...but let's see the colour of your money first. You're going to have to pay for the replacements, because there are other people who think they are necessary.

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If we closed down both the Catholic Church (the biggest Alms giver in the world) and the Boy Scouts then there would be no paedophilia and no poverty because all the arseholes with big mouths on this forum would step in, put their money where their mouths are and fund the programs funded by the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts.


How long will I have to wait to see a list of names (the names of people who want organisations they don't support) guarantee funding for alternatives?


I won't hold my breath.


By all means shut down the catholic church. Shut down boy scouts and everything else ...but let's see the colour of your money first. You're going to have to pay for the replacements, because there are other people who think they are necessary.


Maybe the people who fund the Church are the biggest Alms givers, unless the Church gives out more than it recieves.


Maybe the people who fund the Church could cut out the middle man and directly fund the programs.

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Which reinforces the argument that the church will not close down. A good education overrides a system that's morally bankrupt. Irony and hypocrisy in there somewhere.


There are plenty of parents out there willing to swallow their principles in the putrsuit of what they perceive to be a better education for their offspring. Personally, I would rather home educate than send mine to a faith school, espcially a Catholic one.:gag: However, I do know of a lot of people who played the religion game and worked the system to get their kids into a faith school as it was considered to be better than the local comp. Religion makes liars out of a lot of people if it can justify their means to an end.

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How many people are there on the planet? - About 7 Billion.


How many are male?

How many of those males are paedophiles?


How many are female?

How many of those females are paedophiles?


You plug in the numbers.


How many Boy Scouts are there in the UK?


How many Boy Scout leaders are there in the UK?


How many of those are paedophiles?


Let's close down the Catholic Church and let's close down the Boy Scouts.


Let the parents look after the kids. After all, they bred them, didn't they?


If we closed down both the Catholic Church (the biggest Alms giver in the world) and the Boy Scouts then there would be no paedophilia and no poverty because all the arseholes with big mouths on this forum would step in, put their money where their mouths are and fund the programs funded by the Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts.


How long will I have to wait to see a list of names (the names of people who want organisations they don't support) guarantee funding for alternatives?


I won't hold my breath.


By all means shut down the catholic church. Shut down boy scouts and everything else ...but let's see the colour of your money first. You're going to have to pay for the replacements, because there are other people who think they are necessary.


Its more to do with replacing the corrupt leadership and starting again. I think Sinead O'Connor's idea to boycott it until changes are made is a good idea. The people are the church in effect and they are being let down by the leaders of the religion. They no doubt provide the funds and the changes suggested would not effect the good work the congregation does.


I see your point though. Is it this. Say if Gary Glitter was donating a 100 pounds a week to Oxfam, do you think they should accept his cheques?

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Its more to do with replacing the corrupt leadership and starting again. I think Sinead O'Connor's idea to boycott it until changes are made is a good idea. The people are the church in effect and they are being let down by the leaders of the religion. They no doubt provide the funds and the changes suggested would not effect the good work the congregation does.


I see your point though. Is it this. Say if Gary Glitter was donating a 100 pounds a week to Oxfam, do you think they should accept his cheques?


Make it the NSPCC or Barnardo's and you have a moral dilemma on your hands, and a more challenging question.

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Good way to highlight the bigotted views of them.


And yourself judging by the smiley.


Always ready to play the bigot card I see. Religion plays no part in my life and I certainly couldn't care a toss about women priests or gay bishops for that matter. I merely comment on what I see and observe and from what I observed and understand from various reliable sources the Anglican church in England has declined considerably in numbers attending church over the last half century which has probably something to do with churches closing their doors and the structures after centuries of care and maintenance falling into a state of disrepair for lack of funding. Whoever was progressive enough to come up with the idea that ordaining women and gays as priests in the hiope that this would attract a broader section of the community must obviously realize now that it was something of a failure.

Speaking from the point of view of a non-religious person I have no problem with female priests or gay priests but it's also accurate to point out that among many in the Anglican community worldwide this development probably went down among them like a lead fart hence the crisis on continuing unity that happened later on.

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There are plenty of parents out there willing to swallow their principles in the putrsuit of what they perceive to be a better education for their offspring. Personally, I would rather home educate than send mine to a faith school, espcially a Catholic one.:gag: However, I do know of a lot of people who played the religion game and worked the system to get their kids into a faith school as it was considered to be better than the local comp. Religion makes liars out of a lot of people if it can justify their means to an end.


Two of my grand daughters attended a non denomination private Christian school for a couple of years before moving on to state schools and the third is scheduled to start in a couple of months. The school does not require parents or grandparents to attend church and in many ways the Kindergarten and First Grade classes are better than those in the state run school system.


At least the school is not subject to all the cutbacks, mininum days and closed days that are being imposed on state schools by the feckless state government which is attempting to solve the huge state budget deficit which they brought about by their own mismanagement

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Always ready to play the bigot card I see.....<SNIPPLES>..... it's also accurate to point out that among many in the Anglican community worldwide this development probably went down among them like a lead fart hence the crisis on continuing unity that happened later on.


.....self explanatory I think (apart from the lead fart, isn't it "like a lead balloon" or "afart in an elevator" ? )


Also, Whoever was progressive enough to come up with the idea that ordaining women and gays as priests in the hiope that this would attract a broader section of the community must obviously realize now that it was something of a failure.


...what makes you think women and gay priests shouldn't be ordained for equality rather than to attract a new crowd? I would have thought the Church was fully aware of the impact it may have and would probably rather have avoided it.

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