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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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I'm not claiming to be an expert, and I have made no claims about anything that would require expertise. Neither did suffragette, she merely expressed something she 'suspects' to be be true, and she said as much.


You are the one who made an objective claim that she was wrong, as such its perfectly reasonable for me to expect that you'd have a little bit more to go on than extremely limited personal experience and vague anecdotes.


Seeing as you don't have anything more to go on that that, you appear to have chosen to attack me as a poster rather than attack my posts, how very Christian of you. Incidentally you're wrong, I'm no bigot, my mum's a Christian, and I have a fair few Christian friends, I wouldn't dream of holding it against them.


Suffragette was replying specifically to my post about my church and I responded to that. Why else would she have quoted my post? And I love the way people always use the phrase "how very Christian of you" if we dare to get angry with someone! Such an old chestnut to think that Christian people drift around with a halo above their heads smiling at everyone! I'm not perfect and things make me angry. Like any other human being that anger will come out.


As for your last sentence, for someone who claims to have no problem with Christians, there's an awful lot of anti-Christian stuff from you on here, some of it quite unpleasant.

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How many people are there on the planet? - About 7 Billion.


How many are male?

How many of those males are paedophiles?




By all means shut down the catholic church. Shut down boy scouts and everything else ...but let's see the colour of your money first. You're going to have to pay for the replacements, because there are other people who think they are necessary.


How many institutions insist that their workers must have a penis and take a vow of celibacy?


I am sure the church attracts people who are 'disturbed' in some way in the first place. Let's face it. It's just not a normal career option where besides celibacy, one has to believe in Zombie Jesus and all that rubbish, where faith in the ridiculous is seen as a positive. Throw in some mad nuns, original sin, fighting repressed urges and confession and the Catholic church leaves the Boy Scouts standing.


History is telling us so. Every week there are new revelations about men of god who couldn't keep their hands to themselves and those implicated in covering up the abuse.

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Yet more examples of abuse by the so called representatives of God..


Tens of thousands of young people abused over a long period. There's no other option but for the Catholic Church to call it a day. Its hell on earth and nothing to do with God..




I seen this thread but pretty much ignored it as a load of old crap.

However, I'll bung my thoughts in.


The church does have a problem with some of it's clergy but it's a minority.

Some leaders, including Popes, have covered up naughty acts.


That does not mean the whole Catholic church is to blame but does mean some, including anyone found to be protecting the perverts, should be arrested and charged.


That means anyone, including the Pope if evidence is there.

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It can and it does happen. I wouldn't deny that for a minute.


So why do you insist it doesn't happen just to get their kids into the schools?


Also, how do you know this doesn't happen with the people who go to your church? It's not like they're gonna say "HAHAAH! you know, all this time, I was just PRETENDING to be Christian so that I could get my kids into your school!"

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Right yeah that'll do it, one person's personal experience at one particular church is totally enough information to make that judgement. :rolleyes:


On this forum, the actions of one or a few is usually enough to condemn all.

Sadly, the actions of the good aren't justification enough to see good in the many.

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