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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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Yes it should be discussed. How about forced marriages between girls of 10 and old men of 50? Child molestation and abuse by any name


Yes but they are things more relevant to the Muslim faith as is the recent grooming of young white girls by gangs of Pakistani men..This isn't about that though, its about a problem specific to the Catholic Church ie priests abusing thousands of children for many years and then this being covered up by the church...

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if you think that due to the number of people sexually abused by the Catholic churches representatives, the entire church should be closed. Do you think the same about say, Muslim terrorists who have killed probably the same amount of people if not more over the years, should Islam be shut down too?


It's not just sexual abuse, it's also mental and physical abuse, which includes punishments and brainwashing.

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How about Islam while we're at it? Or is such a discussion verboten as it offends the sensitivities of the weak kneed PC brigade?


After all the abuses against women and children in that religion would fill a stack of bibles as high as Mount Everest


Come on. Lets put it all on the table. No holds barred Put up or shut up.


Start your own thread, this one is about the catholic church and its constant cover-ups.

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Start your own thread, this one is specifically about the catholic church.

...or he could just add to the existing ones....



It IS already discussed, the thread is here, although it was prematurely closed, even for a muslim topic thread. You could probably voice your opinions on this thread or this one.


Okay I've "put up" does that mean you "shut up" ?

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It's not just sexual abuse, it's also mental and physical abuse, which includes punishments and brainwashing.


One word - nuns. I know that the Catholic Church does not have the monopoly on such despicable child abuse, whether it be sexual and/or physical, however, it does seem to be far more deeply entrenched in this religion than others. A life of celibacy is an unnatural state as far as I'm concerned and pent up sexual/companionship frustration must be a factor.

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Maybe it's time for ALL churches and places of worship to close. It would save money for a start, I'm sure the building maintenance and bills combined with the staff's wages amount to a fair whack.


If you believe in a god (any religion) I'm sure he/she/it can worshipped without the need for a dedicated building adorned with spangle and trinkets. If I worshipped, I think I'd rather do it on a quiet park bench out in the open, or on a bad weather day I could do it quite happily from a window looking out at the wind and rain.

Interestingly in the Nazi era SS soldiers when asked their religion by their superiors were encouraged to reply, I beleive in God.

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