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Its time for the Catholic Church to close..

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Systematic abuse and cover ups by the higher echelons of a religion is not the same as "forced marriages" as you claimed.


What it amounts to is that the Catholic higher echelons have been guilty of covering up a despicable crime while the Muslim religion openly condone it in the name of "marriage"

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What it amounts to is that the Catholic higher echelons have been guilty of covering up a despicable crime while the Muslim religion openly condone it in the name of "marriage"


One only as to look back through history to realise that bad people created and used religion because it allowed them to do bad things and control the masses.

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This is ridiculous. Classic media sensationalism. There have been cases of priests sexually abusing minors. Right, well then that justifies the ending of a religion that has been going for over 2000 years does it? What about Islam? Plenty of cases of suicide bombers, etc. Why not end that too?


Ridiculous. It's the priests at fault, not the religion.

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What it amounts to is that the Catholic higher echelons have been guilty of covering up a despicable crime while the Muslim religion openly condone it in the name of "marriage"


For cripe's sake, what is it with you and Muslims? This thread has nothing to do with them and I've already given you links to the existing threads about child brides and forced marriage, if you feel so strong about it why aren't you posting on there?......





It IS already discussed, the thread is here, although it was prematurely closed, even for a muslim topic thread. You could probably voice your opinions on this thread or this one.


Okay I've "put up" does that mean you "shut up" ?

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How about Islam while we're at it? Or is such a discussion verboten as it offends the sensitivities of the weak kneed PC brigade?


After all the abuses against women and children in that religion would fill a stack of bibles as high as Mount Everest


Come on. Lets put it all on the table. No holds barred Put up or shut up.


The thread is about the catholic church, if you want to start a thread about the religion of Islam you are free to do so.

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This is ridiculous. Classic media sensationalism. There have been cases of priests sexually abusing minors. Right, well then that justifies the ending of a religion that has been going for over 2000 years does it? What about Islam? Plenty of cases of suicide bombers, etc. Why not end that too?


Ridiculous. It's the priests at fault, not the religion.


It's the priests at fault AND the parts of the church that cover it up and allow it to continue.


But yes...

Why not end that too?


why not do 2 with one stone?


If people feel a connection with their God, why does anyone need an organised religion? Surely it's a more sincere and intimate worship experience to do it in a place of your own choosing, rather than in a business building?

Why do it in a place that the RELIGION tells you to at a time of THEIR choosing? When you can just talk to God anytime, when you feel best connected or in the right frame of mind


or something

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Despite the fact I'm an atheist, I have no problem with Catholicism, heck my Sister in law's a Roman Catholic.


You have no problem with Catholicism? A rabidly misogynistic and homophobic religion whose corrupt senior members are responsible for conspiring to cover up child abuse on such a great scale? Most of my family is Catholic too, I was raised one and I have huge problems with every aspect of it.

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i just don't get it, do people think that they're all worshiping the same god, but through a different religion, or do people think that there are many gods all servicing different religions,


A bit of both. The 3 Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) share the same God, kinda. Other religions tend to have their own or several.



and why is one god better than the other :huh:


I think what's a more important question is, why do they think their god is the true one? Gods have come and gone throughout the ages. The current batch have been around for a while but are hardly original.


I don't mean to cause offence to anyone but religions are started/invented at some point. The Ancient Greeks had their gods, as did the Egyptians, Aztec, Norse/Vikings etc.

We refer to them these days as "mythology" but I don't understand why a newer religion should have any more validity than previous ones. As far as I am aware, most modern religions are based on books, written by men (bible etc). Please correct me in detail if you know any better.


A good example of this is Scientology, a very new religion, based on the writings of a SCIENCE FICTION AUTHOR. Yeah, I know.


In a couple of a thousand years will Scientology be the "big" one and Christianity/Judaism/Islam be referred to as "mythology"? Probably

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