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Is the media to blame (in part) for the recession ?

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Do you think it's played a significant part in the economic situation ? - has the news frightened a lot of people in spending money ?


I certainly think it has :mad:


I guess these idiots will do anything as long as their stories sell (no matter how exaggerated and full of hyperbole they may be).

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Do you think it's played a significant part in the economic situation?


By peddling the "you-too-must-and-can-have-it-all" mantra 24/7 for too many years.


What people don't see (so much of), don't want (so much of). Simples.

has the news frightened a lot of people in spending money?
Nothing to do with the after-the-fact 'scaremongering'.
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Surely you can find a way of crow-barring Israel into the blame? For example, their outlook is 2.8% growth in 2012 - why is their ultra mega far right zionistic economy doing so well while we're still sliding into the poo?


Please, don't encourage him/her.:|

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Surely you can find a way of crow-barring Israel into the blame? For example, their outlook is 2.8% growth in 2012 - why is their ultra mega far right zionistic economy doing so well while we're still sliding into the poo?
There I was, silently congratulating CX on starting a thread for once not related to Israel/Zionism/etc. and helping him getting it started with a first reply...now look what you've done :rolleyes:
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Do you think it's played a significant part in the economic situation ? - has the news frightened a lot of people in spending money ?


I certainly think it has :mad:


I guess these idiots will do anything as long as their stories sell (no matter how exaggerated and full of hyperbole they may be).


No but they did frighten people into borrowing money by saying if you don’t get onto the property ladder now you never will, and property prices are increasing by 10-20% a year. But that was before 2007 since then I don't think they’ve frightened anyone into spending money.

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i worked out a while ago that the sophisticatedposting bot known as CXC3000 has a line of code that forces it to throw out a non-Israel thread once in ever 139 threads. It won't really partake in said thread though, its just a quota thing. ;)

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Do you think it's played a significant part in the economic situation ?



All the "property porn" shows put out by the BBC have certainly helped stoke up our disastrous housing boom.


Lack of decent, high quality journalism has left the average person pretty much in the dark about what is going on in the economy and why.


If you want to get up to speed quickly, you can't beat The Keiser Report on Russia Today.


The Keiser Report


Entertaining and informative. Episode 223 is a belter.


How do you think I always know what's going to happen well in advance? It's not by relying on the depthless UK media. It's by standing on the shoulders of giants.

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