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The fight for Jerusalem

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Just finished watching Jerusalem and it’s amazing how many deaths and battles have taken place over such a craphole and all in the name of a God, It does make you wonder why God apparently liked the place and people that much that he only visited people that lived there. I think if I had been god I would have picked a much nicer place to visit and a much nicer people to talk to. It’s amazing that there are any Jews, Christian and Muslims left after all the death and suffering they have inflicted on each other. At least the atheist didn’t have a hand in all that death.


If that is your impression after the first two episodes of this fascinating series, then I dont think you can have listened to one word of it.

Watch episode one, and it is all explained.

The Holy Spring etc, or did you miss that bit?

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Just finished watching Jerusalem and it’s amazing how many deaths and battles have taken place over such a craphole and all in the name of a God, It does make you wonder why God apparently liked the place and people that much that he only visited people that lived there. I think if I had been god I would have picked a much nicer place to visit and a much nicer people to talk to. It’s amazing that there are any Jews, Christian and Muslims left after all the death and suffering they have inflicted on each other. At least the atheist didn’t have a hand in all that death.


I would have thought god would pick Maltby or Middlesborough as a centre,both being centres of History and Tradition,with a heathen populace.Sheffield would pose too big a challenge given the apathy that prevails.

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If that is your impression after the first two episodes of this fascinating series, then I dont think you can have listened to one word of it.

Watch episode one, and it is all explained.

The Holy Spring etc, or did you miss that bit?


I did, and yes I saw the bit about the spring, what I find surprising is that there are thousands or maybe even millions of springs on this planet, it’s natural so what so special about that spring other than the fact that a human says it's holy, like it is some miracle that water comes out of the ground. Maybe the first person to see it had never seen a spring before and thought wow this must be a holy place.

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I did, and yes I saw the bit about the spring, what I find surprising is that there are thousands or maybe even millions of springs on this planet, it’s natural so what so special about that spring other than the fact that a human says is holy, like it is some miracle that water comes out of the ground. Maybe the first person to see it had never seen a spring before and thought wow this must be a holy place.


Thats certainly how it was portrayed in the Cecil b De Mille films made in the silent era,and who can gainsay this account?

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Yet under Israeli control, this is the only time in 3,500+ years that all religions have been able to worship in Jerusalem.


Under various empires and the Muslim occupation, other religions were banned.


In fact Jews were barred from praying at the western wall until 1967. Israel unified Jerusalem.


It would be a disaster to allow Arabs to have control of Jerusalem. It would only be a matter of time until they made it totally unsafe and intimidating for other faiths to visit.


Did you miss the bit where after Saladeen took control from the crusaders and invited muslims and jews to return after the christian crusaders had banished them or is it because that doesn't suit your nasty muslims agenda so you left it out?

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I did, and yes I saw the bit about the spring, what I find surprising is that there are thousands or maybe even millions of springs on this planet, it’s natural so what so special about that spring other than the fact that a human says it's holy, like it is some miracle that water comes out of the ground. Maybe the first person to see it had never seen a spring before and thought wow this must be a holy place.


Maybe that is right.

Water is the most important resourse that we have.

The people who control the water, control everything.

There are many places, even in England, called Holywell.

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Did you miss the bit where after Saladeen took control from the crusaders and invited muslims and jews to return after the christian crusaders had banished them or is it because that doesn't suit your nasty muslims agenda so you left it out?


It seems after centuries of playing the game, that Muslims have suddenly become the bad guys.

Why have a minority of them turned to murder and slaughter in recent years?

Is it something to do with the poppies that grow so well in Afghanistan?

We know them well to be mind altering substances.

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