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The fight for Jerusalem

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Keep it civil please.


I will do, but I think the posters on this thread are like minded.

We are of the school of, 'if you cant take it, dont dish it out', are we not?

At least I hope we are.

As should be all people posting on public forums.

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does it borrow? I thought it was more of an adaption to ease conversion, similar holidays etc.


Yes you are correct.

Our main holidays (holydays) fall on the mid winter and spring soltices and equinoxes.

The spring festival is a strange one.

It follows the Jewish festival of the passover (Gabriel again, why is he involved in so much?)

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You have to admit that whilst Christianity and Judaism have their fair share of nonsense. Like a talking burning bush or Jesus rising from the dead - these occurrences can still be 'explained' in some fashion.


Whereas in Islam, they believe Mohammed ascended to heaven on a winged horse which had a human face. You can't even begin to explain that.


As far as I'm aware, no fossils of winged horses have ever been found. So we can assume such beasts didn't exist in the wild.



Judaism and Christianity feel much more ...what's the word...organic. Whereas Islam feels like a complete fabrication.

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You have to admit that whilst Christianity and Judaism have their fair share of nonsense. Like a talking burning bush or Jesus rising from the dead - these occurrences can still be 'explained' in some fashion.


Whereas in Islam, they believe Mohammed ascended to heaven on a winged horse which had a human face. You can't even begin to explain that.

As far as I'm aware, no fossils of winged horses have ever been found. So we can assume such beasts didn't exist in the wild.



Judaism and Christianity feel much more ...what's the word...organic. Whereas Islam feels like a complete fabrication.


I think by that time they had discovered effects of opium.

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I think by that time they had discovered effects of opium.


Ah yes, one of the Islamic occupiers in Jerusalem was an Opium junky.


It would be quite ironic if Islam being so staunchly anti-drug, was actually born out of opium-addled minds.


It would certainly explain the inconsistency in Islam and the winged horses.

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