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The fight for Jerusalem

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Do you honestly require an answer to that silly question?

I think the fact you are asking it is the answer in itself, dont you?


If asking that question defines some as being human, anyone that can’t ask that question can’t be human. Is that right?

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Jerusalem should be governed by the UN; all 3 major Faiths should be allowed to be practised without any problems.


The perfect solution.


Well CXC, surely as a historian you know that Jews indeed accepted that Jerusalem should be controlled by the UN.


Guess which group refused this and decided to launch a war?


Oh yes, your Arabian brothers who would be later re-branded to 'palestinians' in 1964.


Jews agreed, Arabs refused and went to war. The invented entity will have to live with that mistake forever.


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Friday in an interview with Channel 2 that the Arab world erred in rejecting the United Nations' 1947 plan to partition Palestine into a Palestinian and a Jewish state.


The Palestinian and Arab refusal to accept a UN plan to partition the then-British-controlled mandate of Palestine sparked widespread fighting, then Arab military intervention after Israel declared independence the following year. The Arabs lost the war.


Mexicans launched war on the US and lost Texas and other territories.


Arabs launch war on Israel and lost Jerusalem and other territories.


Not an inch of land should be given to the 'palestinians' especially not of Jerusalem as they have absolutely ZERO claim to Jerusalem on ANY ground.


No Arab country has had Jerusalem as their capital. 'palestinians' have never controlled Jerusalem.


'palestinians' belong in Arabia and Jews belong in Israel.

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Just finished watching Jerusalem and it’s amazing how many deaths and battles have taken place over such a craphole and all in the name of a God, It does make you wonder why God apparently liked the place and people that much that he only visited people that lived there. I think if I had been god I would have picked a much nicer place to visit and a much nicer people to talk to. It’s amazing that there are any Jews, Christian and Muslims left after all the death and suffering they have inflicted on each other. At least the atheist didn’t have a hand in all that death.


enjoyed the programs myself.


reconfirmed my opinion on religion.

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