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Is Miliband coming under pressure as Labour leader?


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The problem with any party leader is they are elected to the job by people who would vote for their party anyhow. Parties don't get into government by votes from party members. They need to appeal to folks who might wonder about casting their vote elsewhere. It looks pretty clear that Miliband doesn't even appeal to Labour voters, so is not too likely to attract voters from the other parties.

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The wrong brother got the job; every Labour MP knows it.


not really, until they get some decent policies, it wouldnt make a difference who is in charge.


the fact they cant say what they would do if in charge right now means they have no ideas.


the labour party has no direction at all.


i mean , who do they actually represent right now ???? not your common man, not the big earners, not the lefties, not the righties then who ????

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Townie Bliar, the man who's actions coined the phrase, Champagne Socialist.


Our Townie, a man of the people, well multi-millionaires any how. How can Cameroon be lampooned for having brass by the LIEbour acolytes, God must know, doubtful if any one else does.



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If I had my way, Ed Balls would be the leader.

Cameron would not stand a chance.

Maggie he aint.

However, I would like to see the outcome of a GE with the present set up

I think Labour would romp home, even with Ed Milliband as leader.

The coallition is such a shambles it is astonishing how our Head of State allows it to continue.

Just what authority does she have?

Can she tell them to end this farce?



Ed Balls is all that is wrong with New Labour. He is a professional politician. He is Deficit Denier in Chief because he was making policy in the Treasury for Brown. And he's married to yet another failed Labour minister.


Ed Millibrain is another Neil Kinnock. He won't get elected even when there is an unpopular Tory PM.


Labour's REAL problem is that there are just not enough people signed up to the Labour cause. Yes, all that socialist drivel goes down well in the North and other former industrial areas but the rest of the country doesn't care for it. Labour's core vote is pretty much down to public sector workers, the low paid, students, immigrants and the benefiteering class.


Tony Blair made Labour electable by appealing to what he called Mondeo Man. That is people who earn reasonably well, own their own homes and take care of themselves. Brown went to extraordinary lengths to assure them and the city he would not trash the economy as previous Labour administrations had. Then Blair and Brown betrayed Mondeo Man by hiking up taxes, trashing the economy, ruining public services, fiddling expenses and lying, lying, lying and lying some more. Labour lost in 2010 because Mondeo Man deserted them in droves.


Labour will never be elected again unless they make policies that appeal to a wider audience than their socialist heartlands. No ex Blair/Brown minister will do because they are tainted.


You need someone new with new ideas and you just haven't got such a person on the books at the moment. Even if you had they wouldn't be leader because the unions would stop them. So I'm afraid Labour are screwed until years of being out of office brings a sense of reality to the party as it did when Blair rescued you from the political wilderness.


I expect Labour will go through a few more leaders before they even get close to being elected.

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Ed Balls is all that is wrong with New Labour. He is a professional politician. He is Deficit Denier in Chief because he was making policy in the Treasury for Brown. And he's married to yet another failed Labour minister.


Ed Millibrain is another Neil Kinnock. He won't get elected even when there is an unpopular Tory PM.


Labour's REAL problem is that there are just not enough people signed up to the Labour cause. Yes, all that socialist drivel goes down well in the North and other former industrial areas but the rest of the country doesn't care for it. Labour's core vote is pretty much down to public sector workers, the low paid, students, immigrants and the benefiteering class.


Tony Blair made Labour electable by appealing to what he called Mondeo Man. That is people who earn reasonably well, own their own homes and take care of themselves. Brown went to extraordinary lengths to assure them and the city he would not trash the economy as previous Labour administrations had. Then Blair and Brown betrayed Mondeo Man by hiking up taxes, trashing the economy, ruining public services, fiddling expenses and lying, lying, lying and lying some more. Labour lost in 2010 because Mondeo Man deserted them in droves.


Labour will never be elected again unless they make policies that appeal to a wider audience than their socialist heartlands. No ex Blair/Brown minister will do because they are tainted.


You need someone new with new ideas and you just haven't got such a person on the books at the moment. Even if you had they wouldn't be leader because the unions would stop them. So I'm afraid Labour are screwed until years of being out of office brings a sense of reality to the party as it did when Blair rescued you from the political wilderness.


I expect Labour will go through a few more leaders before they even get close to being elected.


I thought most politician were professional these days.Thatcher modified her voice,Cameron has been groomed to appear more common,Wilson bought a pipe and overcoat,and Brown got married-all done for political reasons.The last true politician was Michael Foot,and people like you vilified him for his dress sense at a Cenotaph service-I cannot think of any thing more superficial than that(excepting a Mandleson hand-shake)

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If I had my way, Ed Balls would be the leader.



I agree with you completedly!


If I'd had my way, Balls Ed would've been the leader. From the very start. For about 2 months. With Harm Man as his deputrix (should that read dominatrix?)


That would've been enough to purge Labour from the political scene for a few hundred years.

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I thought most politician were professional these days.Thatcher modified her voice,Cameron has been groomed to appear more common,Wilson bought a pipe and overcoat,and Brown got married-all done for political reasons.The last true politician was Michael Foot,and people like you vilified him for his dress sense at a Cenotaph service-I cannot think of any thing more superficial than that(excepting a Mandleson hand-shake)




By professional politician I don't mean he's any good at it, I mean he has never had a proper job outside politics. He's one of those PPE degree deadheads full of idealistic nonsense but no life experience, no useful skills and no common sense.


The only way Balls is going to make a useful leader is to change his name and get a brain transplant.


Michael Foot may have been pilloried for his sartorial inelegance but he was also an out of touch nuclear disarmament proponent.

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I agree with you completedly!


If I'd had my way, Balls Ed would've been the leader. From the very start. For about 2 months. With Harm Man as his deputrix (should that read dominatrix?)


That would've been enough to purge Labour from the political scene for a few hundred years.


And what would you like to see as an opposition? Or do you favour another 100 years of Tory dominance?

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