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You Have Been Warned..

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I bought a few extra cans of stuff today and started the process...They may laugh but for say a hundred quid of cheap food, there'll be survival for months.


The main thing is to get through the first few months because a lot of people will perish during this period. That'll leave what's left of the worlds resources to us who prepared.


After this I'll be moving into a nice big house up Ranmoor I think...:)

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I was already feeling suicidal before I read Frank 's dire missive-----and now he 's put the tin lid on it.


We have just lost North Korea 's Beloved Leader and we still see Balls on the t.v. nearly every day. I didn 't think things could get worse.


The only problem is deciding how to ' move on ' before the financial typhoon overwhelms us all in our beds ? The pills ? The gas ? A double-decker bus ?


It 's tempting to go into a pub, light up a ciggy, refuse to leave.......and then have a ' stand off ' with some armed police.


Goodbye cruel world.........

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I was already feeling suicidal before I read Frank 's dire missive-----and now he 's put the tin lid on it.


We have just lost North Korea 's Beloved Leader and we still see Balls on the t.v. nearly every day. I didn 't think things could get worse.


The only problem is deciding how to ' move on ' before the financial typhoon overwhelms us all in our beds ? The pills ? The gas ? A double-decker bus ?


It 's tempting to go into a pub, light up a ciggy, refuse to leave.......and then have a ' stand off ' with some armed police.


Goodbye cruel world.........

Most amusing.:hihi:

I really think Mr Sidney could make money as a comedy writer.He makes me laugh.

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Hello - Happy Christmas, just to say it will probably be the last you'll have.


All my life I have had "gut feelings" about various things, these always turn out to be right...Sometimes, in my personal or business life, I weakened and was influenced by others, to go against my "gut feelings" these usually ended in disaster.


Anyway, this is my latest "gut feeling." Its not a thought from the blue and no doubt some will agree with me. We are in for a very rough ride. I don't mean prices will hike and inflation will go up. I mean the society we know is about to collapse. If you are not prepared, you will perish.


This is all about to start with the financial situation getting much worse. People will starve in Europe, there will be major wars and we will be all back to how things were a hundred years ago.


If you have money you will loose everything. We'll all be equal. It will be dog eat dog...This dog will no doubt eat some of you...!


You need to start to prepare now.


Anyway, have a nice day..


Oh and happy new year....:D:thumbsup:


Will you require a gross of Prophylactics ?

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